Wednesday 8 October 2014

You matter... You have always mattered.

There are people to this day and age who still walk & live like if something bad was to happen to them and they died they feel like it wouldn't make a difference.You are mad to even think for a second no one would miss you. Just because it's never about you are like 27dresses the movie you are always going out of your way yet no one is ever willing to risk it all for you right? Wrong!!

Understand that even thought life doesn't celebrate you leave alone unfold the way you always see it do for others doesn't mean you are just a stepping stone for others. Lady you have no idea what I have been through. You are right I don't but that doesn't give you the right to dismiss your life or sell yourself short as far as hope and believing goes. 

I know that you are tired heck everyone is tired at one time but I will not sit here writing this and act like I get what you are going through because I don't. But you know what I applaud the effort you make each day having to wake up to nothing without a glimpse of hope in your eyes and a heart full of disappointment. That I know how if feels like. 

The good news news is that you are not the only one nor the fist to endure such burdens at such a tender age ... I say tender because you have not lived long enough to enjoy the fruits of your hard work. The bad news is that you have allowed that mentality rob you of the chance to live your life a better way. Listen no one needs negativity in their lives so if people don't want to be associated with you it's not because you have nothing to offer them but simply because they just don't want to be around someone who keeps complaining all the time. 

Stop it already! The pity party has been fun but now it's time to look into the light literally. You need to make an effort and this can only start with you. If you want to be invited then show some interest. Get out there and do something. Thank heaven for couches so you are no longer available to be used or pushed around. 

You matter. I may not know you the way you deserve to be known but you matter to someone out there ... sure my parents and a friend or two.... No! You matter to so many people whose lives you have changed in simple ways than you think. Perhaps you don't require a prize but to someone like myself you matter. 

You have allowed people's opinions take over your life yet I don't see them asking for your opinion in their lives. Ever thought of that?Given the chance to change the world or life what would it be all about? Don't tell me just do it... Think of this as a open second chance blog to eye kind of thing. I refuse to give up on you as a matter of fact I forbid you to give up on yourself *tough love*

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