Friday 3 October 2014

You never know how lucky/blessed you are until you come across someone without or go a day watching the very same thing that was under your care in the care of someone else.It's all fun and games until one of you gets hurt and the only way that happens is when one of you develops feelings.As if even the very best friends with benefits can dodge the I want more coming soon we need to talk road.Can boys and girls just be friends oh yes but can ladies and gentlemen just be friends I doubt.On of you will want more.If that doesn't happen the both of you are lying.You just don't wake up and realize that they mean more to you than you thought, it has to be triggered by a third party ....or distance.....then reality dawns hits you ...suddenly you panic so you do what anyone in your situation would do, deny and by doing so you tend to avoid your best friend forever who to me if you ask me is your best friend for now.

Everything changes.It's not intentional but life just happens.You find yourself being irritated by certain remarks and upset over petty things that earlier were a great source of humor.No one saw this one could, would have prepared you for this...anything but this.The very smile you wore as an accessory is the one thing you are slowing trading in for a change even you cannot comprehend.Take for example if you were the shy friend you slowly start airing your views claiming you were never given an opportunity to be heard.Seriously!?That right there is what I call coughing up an attitude.I don't blame you though but it gets ugly if not controlled in the very early stages.

Jealousy is not only an ugly word but a color that no woman should ever flaunt...ever!It shouts more of how insecure you are than reflect just how caring you are to go the extra mile to protect the person in your life.There are certain bad things when done the right way come off as less offensive ...cute.See hoe a celebrity like Usher uses something so 'normal' yet to others private well for those of us brought up understanding that certain things should only be shared by a lady and a gentleman in private as a way of expressing just how much they mean to each other.He sings about being a good kisser and when you think of the different types of kisses you realize that for him to actually crown a lady a good kisser he must have really 'explored alot of mouths'.Think about it. One must be a kissaholic to know if you are good or not.

If you can avoid ruining a good friendship then be brave enough to let your friend know.They will respect you enough to be honest even though the feelings may not be mutual.Don't be bitter regardless of their rejection, just accept and live your life.But sadly most of you would rather live in the fear of what if all in the name of friendship just to survive another day in the spotlight of someone who will never look at you the same way your eyes dance and heart skips a beat.Do not deny yourself the chance to be truly happy waiting/holding on to ghost feelings.How long will you keep hoping yet life will not stand still until the day you decide to start living life the way you should without the fear of the unknown.

The beauty of facing your greatest fear is knowing that you don't have to use words like I WISH  for indeed I DID. That is no longer on your conscious are free of that burden.That is when you get to answer the same questions you thought you were stuck with.That is when you understand that the people who were meant to be in your life will find a way in and those that are not meant to, will leave.Quit camping at that closed door while opportunity keeps presenting itself but you are too sad, mad and disappointed to enjoy.That is why you had to be hurt broken to appreciate the ones who will love you enough to stay.Like I always say,it takes a bad man/woman to appreciate a good one.Think about it and while you are at for you.

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