Tuesday 9 December 2014

Enjoy It

I don't understand why people say February is the month of love when clearly December is all about love. Hey,that is just but my opinion.I can already feel it kicking in. Watching people holding hands on my way home so depressing by the way especially when reality dawns on you just how single you are. Damn you mother nature! When you turn on the television and it is all about how this couple met on Christmas Eve. This is worse than watching a horror movie, it's torture for not only the body but mind and soul.Don't even get me started on how people are making plans on where they are planning to have the Christmas party and the New years party as well. Am I the only one?I love Christmas the birth of Christ and the giving and sharing of food not much the present part but family.

Christmas is the one time you realize either how amazing your life is or how boring you are. When the messages stop coming in and the calls stop, it hits you, where is everybody? Out living it up.  You have been saving all year round to make this year memorable but then again there is the security issue .In other words you are stuck here. You can't hide in the office either because that would not only be awkward but it so happens your boss gave you the entire holiday off. Thanks alot by the way. So the only other option left is eat your heart out. You barely go clubbing and this season is different even all the drunks are kicking it with their families. Thanks alot traitors.

I imagined that by the 20th I would be miles away enjoying the holidays with in a cottage where I would go make memories with new friends and who knows if am lucky have a fling with a handsome stranger. What, I have been good all year round so it would only be right to be a little naughty. Nothing illegal I always tell myself. I am too busy to be in a relationship. Or so I keep telling myself but the truth is I am scared of what he expects of and from me. I don't think am in a position to give in or ready to walk down that road. I am not afraid of the fact that he might cheat or walk out on me but that I might not give him the opportunity to witness all that. I am always positive but then again it doesn't hurt to be realistic.Expect the good with the bad, the ugly with the beautiful. Don't be naive or too paranoid. Find a balance. Be open minded. 

All I know is that I want the last days of 2014 to be the very best. I want to take a risk. I will never know until I try. But not anything stupid that will cause or cost not only myself but those around me. Time to surrender. I have given 2014 the best of my new year and have countered each situation with my experience from other years.I will make the best of what is presented before me. I may not be in a position to travel because perhaps what am meant to find or find me is already around. I will laugh and dance and if truly in the mood even capture the moment.

Before the clock strikes midnight I will look back and have nothing to regret as far as 2014 is concerned. December comes ones in a year. It took too long to get here and now that it is here, what do I do? Enjoy it. 

Happy holidays Checkmates!

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