Tuesday 2 December 2014


So Today being 2nd December 2014 makes you wonder what the heck you did with your life for the past eleven months. Lets not even go down memory lane because things are bound to get "fugly" way beyond ugly. We have had good time and bad.But the big question is what do you plan to do about it? Maintain it or watch your hard work go down the drain perhaps? That reminds me since we ' you and I ' did not get the chance to have a thanks giving dinner why not hold it here?So, what are you thankful for this Morning?It is only right as the 'host' I break the ice. 

I am thankful first and foremost to be alive. To me what that says is that I have yet another chance to make things right.Those that I can anyway. Gone are the days I act like cat woman yet come off as wonder woman though in real sense am just another woman. See what I did there? I would like to take this opportunity to thank my one true and greatest love of all for always being there even though I have never seen his face but he has always come through for me even when I did not deserve it. Thank you God. Thank you for your unconditional love and undivided attention as far as my never ending concerns go. I know am a handful but we make such a beautiful team where I always mess up and you come clean it up. I may not be loyalty but you always make me feel like I am one at the end of each day both directly and indirectly.I have heard you have a sense of humor of which somehow this year, I have witnessed that. Good one God.

I am thankful for my family. Lord knows you never choose your family but am glad he fixed me with these crazy bunch.They are simply bonkers but not just any bonkers but my cup of tea shenanigans.I love you people.I am thankful for my best friend who to be honest was just a mere stranger years ago.Thank you for being honest though at times brutal *in a good way of-course* you have not allowed the world change you.Instead you are changing the world with your wit, humility, talents and love. You are a master piece princess and I thank God twice for you. You have earned my undying loyalty, trust and friendship.This is the one lady who if I were to kick the bucket I would leave her my heart incase she even needs a transplant and entrust her with my one true love. I am sure he would be in capable hands.

I am thankful for everyone else who thinks am a waste of time.The people who have belittled my efforts and not taken hid of my words.Thank you for all the foolishness you have tried to throw my way, the shade you wear all to beautifully and most of all I applaud your sheer madness.I am glad I walked away when you expected me to sit there and for you to bury me with your absurd illiteracy. Thanks to all of you I have learnt to be my own biggest fan I have learnt that if I wasn't as important you wouldn't waste all your energy trying to bring me down.Thank you for seeing something greater in me than I actually saw. I owe you so much but for know I will repay you all with kindness then eventually make you eat your hearts out when I become a legend in this country. I am not striving for success but rather greatness. I just don't want people to say I lived but holy crap that lady was something else.

I am thankful for my past , now and my future. I toast to what is yet to come. May I handle the good and the ugly. May I balance responsibility with a twist of class and sheer madness. May I make a difference in people's lives not enough to be celebrated but just enough for them to change their lives around. May my character and personality always be a constant reminder of who I truly am.

So, what are you thankful for?

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