Friday 5 December 2014


That is what am struggling with at the moment. I am too let going if there is anything of that sort. I am never the clinger but always the one willing to let it go ...let it all go down the drain....pure foolishness. Please ladies, don't be like me. Gentlemen who have had to deal with my kind I apologize. We are used to doing things our way. No we never compromise. We never second guess our actions. We always stick to what we say and mean what we say. So if I am not talking to you, I not only have good reason not to but evidence incase (we are always prepared) you think of denying anything.

Ofcourse I don't want you talking to her because she is the enemy.A little immature but you get where I am coming from. If am not friends with them, you shouldn't be as well.Case closed. I have to admit it comes off as jealously but ain't no body got time to be jealous over that really. One thing am thankful for is that I really can camouflage. It's a gift that I so often use when I don't feel like blending in.

Back to my self made foolishness. I am working on it.Fine am lying am not working on it. I like the fact that I can be myself without having to offend anyone. It's Friday so am not in a mood to write leave alone think. But all I can advise you is not to jump into conclusions. Unlike myself think first not fast. Take the time to get your facts rights before jumping the gun. Sober up

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