Monday 8 December 2014


I have so many thoughts running through my mind and the problem is I don't know where to begin. It is as if I am doing the right thing yet I feel like crap. The more I give the less I feel.This is strange and all new to me for I have never been here before. Knowing me I like some juicy gossip. No offense to my fellow Kenyan's but international gossip is just entertaining. Don't get me wrong or do *giggles* but truth be told every girl likes her some steamy gossip especially when it involves someone she either likes, fond of or doesn't like. Either way gossip makes you feel as though you are part of the story. Like I am glad I was alive to read, witness or hear that. 

This morning, I woke up feeling as though I drunk last night. Whatever it was all I know is that it left a bad taste in my mouth. Focus people, I don't drink but I feel like I was drunk as a fish and cursed like a sailor. I love Mondays. I just do because while everyone else is struggling with #MondayBlues  am as fresh as a daisy. In short my weekend was not all that. The one thing adding up to my misery is something I learnt about someone I had figured out. I was right. I know I should be throwing myself a party to celebrate my, "I knew it" but am not. Instead am siting here writing this so lost.

When you meet someone more selfless than you are it, not only humbles you but scares the living daylight out of you. You feel as though you are empty. Like you have nothing to offer. Someone ones asked what do you give someone who has it all?I knew the answer to this question way before they asked. I would be like it is simple, love. Yes you just offer them the one thing money cannot buy. Love is priceless. It is not demanding or forced. It is both natural and calming. It is assuring. I have just learnt that Chris Brown is single again *not even going to act surprised* but I will tell you this
 though what he said or rather wrote left me speechless. It is as if he took the words right out of my head and wrote them. This is what he wrote, “We've got scars, some of them u gave me, some of them I've caused". This just confirmed to me that he is not only owning up to being part of the reason they broke up but accepting that it took the two of them for it not to work. what he wrote next just ...I don't even have words....just read it for yourselves ....,“That ride or die act we have been fooling the world with obviously ain't working". Goodness gracious. That right there is a bullet to the heart. Bulls eye. Jackpot. Bang!Bang! The end. Fin. That is a wrap people. And Cut. I feel like the director just wrapped everything up , the set has been cleared and you are just there waiting for the next scene only you were just watching the movie. Neither the actress nor the staring just a fan. 

Shit just got real.When a lady ends things people tend to sympathize but when a man ends a relationship and releases such a statement well not really a statement but when he uses such well sort out words like ACT , FOOLING THE WORLD and OBVIOUSLY . Those ladies are words that no man in your life should ever utter as far as your relationship is concerned. He just crucified you. No there is no come back. No t even the he cheated or you were never there for me card will help you. I always say women are good but men are the real puppet masters. Whatever you think you can do to a man, always know that they are two steps ahead. The only way you can win with a man is and this I will emphasize , is if he is inlove with you. Get me right not loves you but is monkey about you. Madly inlove with you and for that to happen you will need more than a bandage body hugging dress, with six inch heels , full make up on, body of goddess , face of an angel kind of twist to you. From what I have gathered considering am just a lady, when a man fall inlove with a lady, he sees past her bullshit. What Chris termed as your ACT. That I don't drink pretense, pre-virgin talk most women pull to get a mans attention. I have to hand it to you ladies who are so calculative, bravo. You always get your way regardless of who you hurt along the way. Congratulations. But just wait, don't pop that champagne just yet, because while they are busy bragging of how they got the man, they always mess up. I don't know how but they always do. I have witnessed so many 'go getters' get got well for those of you perfectionists get caught.

While you digest that , let me feast my eyes out on another juicy gossip. Until then don't get caught or should I say Checkmate!

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