Friday 12 December 2014

It's not yet Christmas 🎄

I still have ample time until it's Christmas. The holidays just began I know but it still feels unreal to me. For those of you who had planned to end this year in a grand way and by now nothing seems to be looking up then you are in the right place. Let me keep you company. Why not grab a mug of hot chocolate and a cookie considering it's the holidays so everyone else is eventually high on sugar so nobody is judging atleast until January *smile*.

Today was a bad day for it did not unfold as I had expected. But I guess that is the beauty of it. It unfolded the way God wanted it to. I was just talking to my best friend this morning via text as we have been so busy we barely see each other. Change is good like I always say so if it means having to support a friend achieve her goals then so be it. Go out of your way to ensure your friend whether swamped with work or not still knows they can rely on you. Don't stop being you just because you got a promotion or this mostly happens to us ladies change just because you are in a relationship. Remember boyfriends come and go but finding a true friend you can always turn to no matter where fate places you on this face of the earth is priceless.

I just wanted to give back. Wanted to go volunteer cleaning kids clothes at a children's home but being this time of the year it's rather tricky but I promise to put a smile on an orphan before next year. That is one of my Christmas wish. To make a difference in someone's life other than myself . As I write this I can only imagine how much fun I would be having in a different environment in good company making beautiful memories awaiting 2015. But like I said the one thing you are looking for is right where you are so don't go out of your way to search for it, it will come to you on its own at the right time. Just relax and meanwhile just be you.

What I want is not in a box. Nor can it be achieved by just wishing on a shooting star. That would be cool but let's be realistic my belief has improved. I will let you all know as soon as my wish is granted but until then let me take my own advise and just be the same old ridiculously awesome daughter, sister, friend ...... that I have always been. 

Happy holidays checkmates 😘

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