Friday 19 December 2014

Sleepy Zzzz...........

I know its been a while since I blogged but am here and hopefully here to stay.I missed you checkmates although I have never heard from any of you but I know you are out there.Thank you for not giving up on me even though to be honest I feel like just calling it a life ..deactivating this account and just going back to my same old familiar life. You ever feel that?Like you took a leap of faith, did what you were expected to do but still nothing good has come of it. I pretty much feel like that.Hopeless yet helpless.Like I am already doing something yet if feels like am just warming the edge of this seat.

Well today being Friday,am assuming most offices are holding their end of the year party.Where you all act like you were besties yet at some point you wanted to set them on fire like literally. The offers are out of this world.It is everything you had envisioned it would be. Anything but boring. You would really go out of your way to have the time of your life.You would be kicking it up a notch by learning a new dance move or hook up with a random stranger. It Christmas no one is judging you , not yet anyway.But then the most bizarre thing happens , you decline each offer and end up blogging instead. From the sound of things people are clearly dancing the night away. The amazing thing is that you don't feel out of sir/ma'am. You feel right at home all along doing the one thing you enjoy the most talking to yourself through this blog. 

Like I always say things are not meant to unfold the way we always expect them to but they unfold the way they are supposed to ...on their own. It sucks you probably want to punch me in the face right about now coz I don't understand that you have not been getting a break all year through and I don't blame you.Damn right you deserved to have a good night what is left of it anyway but think about it, would you still like you in the morning knowing you went all out just to prove a point that indeed you too can 'get down'. I assure you, times will come when you will be the one declining the offers for you will nothing but time to kick back and relax so until then, keep pushing on your end. Invest and save every last coin you have worked hard for. 

Will it be worth it, you bet your sweet or handsome self it will be but when, I don't know babygal/babyboy that not even I have an answer to. All I know is that you are not alone in this so just keep warm.


Goodnight checkmates!!

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