Wednesday 3 December 2014


Looks like my baby steps are beginning to pay off. No I have not received any offers to write an article for any magazine yet but I have made progress in the most impressive way. 300 plus page viewers my, now that is what a Christmas miracle. Who are all these people? Or is it the same person with different accounts? My ultimate dream or goal is have my own show as a radio presenter in one of Kenya's leading radio stations. What would I major in, mainly relationships.Boring I know but to me that is music to my ears. Everytime people ask me for relationship advise I feel as though they are making love to my ear drums. That is beyond sexy, it is an art. An art I know I am good at.

Like a player, I know what to say, when to say, how to say it and know what kind of outcome will follow.For someone who wanted to take up therapy/ couples therapy as a full time job, I am not only a good listener but a blessed talker. I have a way with words. Wait am I advertising myself here *laughs*. Let's just say as a little girl I knew what I wanted to be. I just wanted to grow up. I can do a little bit of anything legal incase some government spy is reading this. Anything legal yes given the chance, I think I can hack ops I mean crack ..oh boy ...I mean I can learn. 

Back to 300 and no am not talking about the movie. It is not what I write that I care about but what comes to mind when you are reading this that matters to me. Oh yes your opinions matter though you hardly put them across but hey, am still here writing and waiting for the first time I will get my first comment. Will I be offended or be a lady and ignore it. I am still working on that in my mind. 

Thank you all. If I were wealthy and famous, I would fly you all to Las Vegas for the weekend but since am just a lady with big dreams and a kind heart, I will just use what I have. My words. I do not take it for granted hat you take the time to read this so thank you amazing page viewers but in my case you are my reality checkmates.

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