Monday 29 September 2014

My source of inspiration left so I figured why bother.Unfortunately this is what most of us suffer from.A bad break.It sucks I know because at the end of the day you not only feel empty but robbed in that for a split second you had it whether good or bad you had a connection, a few laughs, an argument but the bottom line is it did not exist in your felt real for it was indeed real.So quit being drunk in delusion and come back to reality.It was fun while it lasted now that it's over pick up the pieces and get your life if not self together.No more pity parties ladies and gentlemen it's time to smell reality and taste what life has to offer.I assure you the best did not leave the best is yet to come.

I am my own biggest fan so believe you me when I say I lied.Ofcourse I lied, I had to.It was the only way to get myself to write ..ahem blog again *giggles*.What inspires me love,break ups ...sad people you know things that people avoid talking about or the best kept yet to blog about affairs the minute I get my facts right considering it's a delicate subject ..well very juicy yet dirty.

Today being Tuesday correction #TerrificTuesday I can only imagine the agony men will be put through by my kind and by kind I mean ladies.Don't act like you don't enjoy it gentlemen I know you do for at the end of it you get your refer to this the willing buyer and willing seller day..and for the rest of us the bitter sweet day.I am not even going to go into the details as far as that last remark goes.So gentlemen as you prepare to go break 'sweat' to earn that Kenyan dream where you will earn yourself the dream house, car , job and wife remember that pizza will not buy itself now will it, someone has to offer and I assure you no lady myself included would resist free food ..lets be honest ladies can we afford our own meals yes but it's sweeter when some else offers to pay for it. We like it when a man is overly generous's your silent way of telling us that you can not only maintain us but our financial status are secure

With that said,I missed my type to eye (blogging) my shenanigans.So,should I hold my breath as far as lunch is concerned?.......I doubt it....or maybe I should....


Wednesday 24 September 2014

It's sad when men generalize all women as the same.I am not a man so am not even going to try and act like I understand sticking to my kind for now ....don't pop the champagne yet ladies...I only stand up for what I believe is right so this is not a matter of who is right or wrong...It's just but my humble opinion.I hate it when people say humble opinion when in real sense you are being a sarcastic cunning little piece of work...was about to curse ....Where was I ,oh I hate it when they do that but not all coz lets face it each man is different.The one kind that gets on my last nerve is the kind you give a benefit of a doubt.You be all about him yet he be all about himself.Selfish much?

Before you generalize me atleast give me the benefit of a doubt of getting to know what am all about.Before you dismiss me as being another typical black Kenyan girl, see if there is anything black about me and about being Kenyan, that is the beauty of being born and raised in a country full of opportunities and freedom to express myself.Opportunities yet there are no jobs ...well perhaps you have been looking in all the wrong places....freedom?Yes freedom if you understand and learn your rights as long as you don't cross the line 

What pisses me off is the same man you are willing to go above and beyond for is too wrapped up in someone else who will never see them other than the go to guy when things don't unfold as they anticipated.In a way they kinda deserve it...thank you mean girls ....Truth be told it is when it's too late that they realize the very thing they have been looking for has been here all along.Then you are torn between hugging them and slapping them...we are being brutally honest.

Ladies, how do you deal with such a man?Let him be.Let him go.Now before you roll your eyes and call me crazy let me explain.He is like a little kid at this point so the more you insist the more he resists.Let him go not in the hopes of him learning his lesson or realizing you are what he needs...pure manipulation but no none of this.Just let him have his space.He feels as if the walls are caving/closing in on him so he is looking for a way out.That is when you will understand why he kept throwing tantrums ...acting up all of a sudden.Let him be a man..all man.He just wants to confirm that he hasn't lost his A game...his influence in society and his place as one of the guys.He doesn't have to say it yet his actions are screaming out for him...back off!let me breathe ...

You have to woman up ladies.Time for some tough love.He is not your everything.So quite acting like the minute you 'let him leave' he will leave with a part of you you will never get back.I imagine even twins feel the certain urge to be identified as an individual at some point.Sure we may look different to society but we both stare and two different people.
You will not die unless you offer him your heart literally.Remember before he came into the picture you had a life and him leaving will certainly entitle you to continue having one.This is where most of us have (ever or still going) wrong, we kill the me the minute us is offered.Isn't love about sacrifice yes, but who ever asked you to kill your dreams?You assumed since everyone tend to do that but you are not everyone else.He should know that having you in his life is equally a blessing for despite the fact that you are beautiful, smart and ambitious you chose him despite the fact that you had so many men to choose from.Don't rub it to his face though wise about it.But incase he flips the you are lucky to be here while I could be out there with others card check him in his place with a reality check. 

The minute a man decides to move on or cheat or whatever else that they do other than sticking around through the ugly, it has consequences.I fail to understand why he be acting like you should put your life on hold when I went out there partied and lived it our hard.Sorry babyboy but the minute you left don't get me wrong I stuck around long enough to withstand the loneliness and watch the little show you tried so hard to put on....acting like I never meant anything or you had been imprisoned for a crime you did commit.My problem is why are you mad everytime you see me happy in the arms of another.I gave you what you wanted..your freedom back..why are you acting like I wanted this for you when you made life difficult everytime I went out of my way to ask what was going on.Is it that I do not deserve to find happiness or could it be the same way you changed, I also did.I changed.Matter fact you are the reason why I changed.I am not being cold or heartless, am just living for me and those who want to be in my life.The only thing left is the past because that is all it is the past.

The one that got away.That becomes the new identity form someone you used to know to being strangers to being the one you can never get back.It's a high time people stopped blaming others for their own mistakes.Some blame it on timing ...really..time was all the two of you had yet it's the one thing life cannot offer you.So gentlemen, before you leave a good woman I suggest you think long and hard because there is something called life.It has a way of paying you back in full.She might not be 'all that' compared to 'the hot temptation' you know the 'gotta have' but I assure you at one point the tables will turn and who knows she might be the only one to bail you out.

Life is short enough to catch up with you yet long enough to offer you a lifetime full of opportunities.In whatsoever you do, stay humble and be mature about it.

you never know.........
yet life says ,"well what do you know"

Tuesday 23 September 2014

The best way to get over someone is neither to get under nor on top of another .Sure the feeling might be mind blowing at the moment but what about this poor innocent victim of this unlocked door?What is this third person supposed to do when they get lost in the moment the so called moment that you were 'using' them to forget an old fling with some hot steamy passion with this unknown person who perhaps may have gathered the only reason why you chose them was because you not only took the time to know indeed it's them you want to be with but really like them enough to want to take things to the next level.Like the advert, "do not drink and drive"...please do not "tap and go".

The best way to get over someone and people hate this part is take the time to morn not moan ..most men would punch me in the face for even 'saying 'this because lets face it they actually follow the later as if it were okay for them to do it and unfair if ladies applied the same rule to move on....well try and move on things would get  little ugly if not messy.Everyone deserves to be adored if not treasured even those who wish the very worst for you.Understand when you use someone it becomes a habit and stopping it would require some divine intervention.

If you were man/woman enough to begin something be the very same person to end it.It's the least that you can do and no you wouldn't be doing the world a favor by taking up your own responsibility or expect to be applauded for cleaning up your own mess.How did folks back in the day ever survive? Simple, they communicated.They did not update their status on Facebook , tweet about it on twitter with a a funny meme ,unfollow each other on Instagram or blog about it ...none of this ever happened.But what of this new generation, how do you make it known that you are off the market or back on by involving everyone in your business.

This goes out to the victim or yet to be victim of such shenanigans please do your homework.Don't just accept the package ...take your not asking you to stalk or go looking for trouble all in the name of getting to the 'bottom of this' no it's not in your place.Know your place in this persons life and unless their past make you their business just enjoy the journey  but take your brain with you.Go with an open mind ...don't be too cautious ...just let things play out as they should and if they tend to get out of hand, you saw the warning sign so act on them diligently like the respectable and different person you always claim to be.Live up to you title...

Don't work hard...act smart

Monday 22 September 2014

It's sad when you know that your heart is in the right place but no one else will ever see that for all they see is what they choose to believe from what they hear because no one is willing to take the time to know you,understand you story and get where you are coming from.

I happen to be a victim of mistaken identity.I look like the life of the party yet I never party unless its a friends birthday or need calls for me to get out there and participate.I have been tagged a heart breaker yet am the one who was left to mend my broken heart.I have been crowned a bad ass while am still working on liking my own ass.The ironies of life.The shallow minds of desperate and hollow people who feed on others like vultures just to get a wink of sleep for we all know at night none of these called 'humans' can be at peace with themselves ones the lights go out...they dread the dark ...for that is the only path  and life they know thus the constant need to party hard, drink till they drop and pick on people they know nothing about.

I am the worst of my kind.Very dangerous when provoked yet tame around friendly faces and environments.My kind happens to be the ,"I have nothing to loose"beating me down is not an option for am already way too far on the ground so getting up would be the only next thing left to do. So we always have the sudden need to defend ourselves from everyone else who posses as a threat.I am the best of my kind.Forget a dog...a mans bestfriend....when we love we love with everything in us and will move/go above and beyond for you for we have nothing but your best interest at heart.Loyalty flows in our veins .... we like and love everything you do and secretly protect you from the opposite though we never show it.Indeed we are proud.Too proud at times...

We are just like the rest of the 'other females' the difference being we have mastered the game.We know what to say whom to say it to...when to say it...and how to leave you feeling...we know what we want and will only compromise if it's worth the game change...

I have said too much ....
to be continued

Thursday 18 September 2014

The pain of loosing something you worked so hard to achieve can change someone from good to worse.That is how one goes from caring to scaring ..true story..everything just stops 'doing' it for you anymore.You go numb feeling all sorts of negativity and life punches right in the stomach.While you were busy being loved up in cloud nine life has a rude surprise awaiting you.Isn't is funny how you feel like everyone else knew but didn't bother to warn you.While you were busy putting him/her first you never spared some time or energy to be there for yourself because you figured he/she would return the favor.

I call it the devoting yourself to be slapped in the face by reality.No one even bothered to wake you up ..was I that dead asleep?The faithful girlfriend/boyfriend .Always acting like everything is okay like nothing bothers you while in real sense you are drained emotionally,spiritually, physically, mentally and financially.Being strong enough for 'us' even though deep down you are the only one who wants it more.Making up excuses for everytime they act up.Don't get me because being in a relationship is all about sacrificing but if at the end of the day you feel like you got less than you anticipated, something is wrong.That right there is a warning sign.See I tend to believe that before things blow up there is always the 'signs'.That person starts acting up ...they always do so don't go acting like you never saw it coming.The minute you start to have doubt(s) something is always wrong no matter how much you ignore it hoping that it's just a phase .

The minute you realize that you have had enough, that is when the you that you have been putting on hold comes to life.The dreamer in you awakens and suddenly you feel that good is not good enough.All those cute words he/she used to use sound lame and that same old joke she/he used to tell is pure bull.What the heck was I thinking ...why did I have to put up with all theses did I let it get too many questions cloud your mind.When you know you know so no matter how much everyone else tries to convince you to stay you will leave although no one ever says it verbally because deep down they know it's the least you deserve with what is left of your dignity

The past will always be the past so no matter how long you keep postponing.Even with all that money you can't buy your past out ...not for long anyway.When that happens you realize that you enjoy your own company more, have just one true good friend you can entrust with certain information and that settling for less is not an option (due to past experience (s). You find yourself avoiding drama  and if nature calls for any of it, you really aren't going to take part of that fuss.Been there done all that.You find  out that you enjoy walking away than staying.Having to prove yourself is not an option.Gone are the days of having to please leave alone compromise to 'fit in'.

Looking  for a man not a silly little boy who wants to be rewarded because he took me to the movies or bought me dinner . Ladies true or false
Looking for a lady not a melodramatic little girl who always gets her way regardless of how or who she hurts long the way  Gentlemen am I right?

With that said,people are forced to change due to their past experiences.We all have that one tear dropping moment but we do not use it to get ahead in life...sympathy will earn you a crowd but won't land you the dream.Being bitter is not the only option can choose to be better if not bigger.

If it were not for that bad moment you wouldn't have appreciated the good that life has to offer now would you?Think about it, or don't because there are people who are too hard headed to appreciate the good in their lives that they always want what everyone else has.Learn to love what you have before it become what you used to have but if what you have doesn't want to stay set it free and life will 'blow' the right one in your direction.It's that simple just because you invested in it doesn't necessarily mean it will end up being yours.It could be that you are being trained to handle what you will eventually own.There are so many ways to look at it...a coin has two sides ....the truth has four sides ..your version/their version /what others saw and the actual see where am going with always have a choice irrespective of whether life ins you on the ground or up against a wall....

The beauty about it all is that life goes on whether you choose to accept or live in denial....the show must go on ...sadly ....

Wednesday 17 September 2014

unplanned for

The best experiences in life no matter what anyone says are the moments you don't 'see coming'. while you are on your daily business minding your own that is when God pulls a fast one on you.Forget the many times ladies you thought you would land your now current man in that designer dress, the wind blowing and you flash your amazingly white teeth in your glossed up lips just enough to make that man go bananas ...I don't blame you ladies honestly I don't blame any of us though I will blame it on the damn commercials...making us believe that such moments exist.The irony of life is when you least expect it, opportunity presents itself in the most bizarre yet magical way and in most cases you do not end up with that man you thought to yourself would make you grow some angelic wings ..I don't mean to be a moment killer but lets be realistic after all I am ms reality check.It will never happen not the way you want it and if you force it to it will end up scaring you for life.

I am a self proclaimed victim of being a hopeless romantic.Yes I said because other than the will to live the only gift you can give yourself is being your own biggest fan and for that to happen you have to believe in yourself no matter what the facts show.I believe that love is stronger than death and faith can make everything almost possible some point...Gentlemen don't get me wrong being confident is a good trait but with an ugly heart no woman will want any type of association with you ..well not unless you are wealthy ...can I get an amen from all the ladies who collect from such men ...good for you ladies.... and to such men you should wife them clearly they see what the rest of us don't...

I never thought in a million years I would ever be a blogger not that I already am but writing has a way of easing my mind and in most cases I want to say what others would want to say.Am not yet where I want to be with this but atleast am somewhere.For those of you who always take your time to read my shenanigans you are all ridiculously awesome.I don't know you yet but hopefully in due time I will. A simple thank you and am humbled will do for now.What off unplanned pregnancies say as a result of rape?Goodness even I don't have the right words to sit here and lie to you that I understand what you are going through or where you are coming from.I don't and I never will but I know people use God as an escape goat to everything they cannot explain  or understand that happens that they feel shouldn't have happened.The death of an innocent baby, the loss of a loved one, being paralyzed or born with special needs.I don't know why and most people avoid talking about such heartfelt issues.Dealing with insecurities , the past , scars , diseases  and so many other issues if not cases.

The only thing I can offer you is the truth.It's not in my place to rub it in nor scold you...I believe you have allowed others beat you down for way to long.You have been your own worst enemy over things that were beyond your control.My question to you is haven't you had enough? Aren't you tired already of blaming everyone else, being bitter at the world yet it will never apologize  and being the same old person year in year out.Stop already.I get it life has been unfair but hasn't it been to everyone of us?Quit acting like you deserve a reward while you wallow in your pain while you could be picking up the pieces , making beautiful memories and using the experience to help others taking it worse than you are.Haven't you ever thought that you are not the only one.Sure you feel it, it sure looks like it but you are not alone.There is a reason as to why am here be it to encourage , entertain or what ever it is am supposed to offer.Not because am perfect or have it easy but because I want more out of life.Don't you just want to wake up one day and try so hard to remember of what you think life robbed you off and just burst into laughter because nothing was meant to be the way you thought it was.Don't you just want to look back and say, I did it..I beat the odds.It was all unplanned for.How I got here will mark the beginning of the rest of your life.

Get up!

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Gambling ..... Isn't that what life is all about?

There is more to it than what meets the eye(s)

I could tell that he was sad by the way his head hang down.I could tell that something was wrong because unlike the other days,my heart did not skip a beat.The feeling was different.Unlike others I could tell that he was not himself.I doubt he noticed but I did notice him.Instead he walked right past me like I did not mean that much to him like he did to me.I could tell, I can still tell because when you are this deep into someone you need not ask what is wrong, you already sense something is wrong. No unless you have ever come across such a person and felt the way I feel you will think am just about to loose it if you have not concluded that already.

His eyes lacked the sparkle I always see right at the very corner of each eye.They did not dance neither did his voice cover up the fact that he was not okay.I knew what I had to do so I did.I just had to let him be not by pushing him away but being wise enough to know him being a man he is too proud to admit that anything is the matter leave alone he needs my help or me.Being a lady who values a man's value and worth ensuring that I submit just enough to let him know that he is incharge but stand my ground that indeed you have not earned the right to be incharge yet, I pulled out my wild card.I know nothing about poker or gambling so before you correct me kindly focus on what am trying to communicate.

This is where I pulled the friendship card.Not the one where you pat his back and let him know everything will be fine or rub it to his face I told you so or play parent at the moment demanding for answers to ghost questions know what am talking none of that.I pulled the 'bro code' card.Just sit there don't expect him to talk just sit and go with the flow.Don't try the reading trick by staring deep into his eyes to see if he is acting or covering up more that you think he is going through.No just don't think about it ...any of it...just be the same old you around him.No love talk or girly acts, just be enough to fit it...don't try too hard least he notices and avoid you altogether. At some point I just wanted to ask , reach over and hug him but we all know am not built like that.Being a tomboy this came in very handy.

Everyone has battles they are struggling with.The key is accepting that no matter how good you are you can not solve someone elses struggle.I term them as 'demons'.That is when people show their true colors and the trick is not how you handle your demon but knowing you have a demon.The 'demon' could be an insecurity, a past them ....we all have them.This is where you are left helpless.You need a supernatural power if not intervention.Some experiences can be too overwhelming so know which card to pull where.One thing I have learnt is what is beyond my control I simply leave it to God.I am not about to go all preacher on any of you leave alone myself so I will keep it sweet and short.Do not be afraid to ask for help.The worst mistake we all make is thinking we got this yet all that is left is a dark cloud.We already chased away everyone that offered to help, broke down everything in the room, destroyed the very thing we 'built' and all that is left is total darkness and the wind.Even the sun avoids you..imagine that..

I hope this helps anyone out there..not everything entirely but atleast something positive they can make out of this and make it their own.Life is not is too long to allow people's negativity, anger and bitterness rob them short of what could,might and would have been.You will never know until the day you decide to take a step back, breathe in and out (that should buy you some time to think straight) then act.

Let me go handle my business....not really mine but hey....*fingers crossed* 

Thursday 11 September 2014

Comfort Zone

Get yourself or selves that one good  friend and by good I mean honest enough to let you know it is what it is.The tell it like it is kind of friend.The one who respects you enough to let you do your thing yet honest enough to let you know you are either keeping it real or not.Being human no one and I repeat no one wants their ego to be bruised irrespective of whether you are right or wrong.We all have this 'goddamnit let me be' extra package that comes off as annoying.I don't care how wealthy or physically blessed you are annoying has never been a good thing.That is something you can't brush off.

So,what happens when someone invades your space?As human beings we resist change it's only natural reasons being fear of the unknown and we just don't want to leave our comfort zones.I get that and as a true believer of being comfortable in your own skill, you just can't help but change.A wise stranger called it 'growing up' but who wants to be told that?I don't.But growing up doesn't necessarily mean you have been acting like a teenager well seeking attention at an age you should be settling down know...taking yourself seriously put it in layman's language.

If you care enough for the person 'correcting' you then perhaps it will hit home that you know what I thought I was giving my all but it turns out 100% is good but I can do better say 200%.As unrealistic as it may seem it makes perfect sense.The same way you dislike someone for two reasons one being they have something you want or think you ought to have gotten before or two they are just ridiculous.Think about it, if you had nothing to offer no one would even know of your existance leave alone try and stop you.But why is it that when you come up with genius ideas all of a sudden it feels like you are living in the world war era?Because you have what it takes.

In conclusion,don't just allow wise words amuse your ear drums.Do something.An opportunity will never present itself where comfort is present.You have to want it bad enough to atleast make a step towards it regardless of whether you have the required skill, qualifications or even at times the finances.I always say if it's meant to be it will be but it won't happen while lying down.Be inspired again,get back your fire and dreams....
its time ....................
to kiss............
comfort zone.........

Thursday 4 September 2014

To a happily never after

Now now before you go popping champagne toasting to this make believe kindly warm your behind and read along.It comes off as rude but isn't life?By now everyone already agrees that life is not a soap opera and no you are not going to meet the man of your dreams nor 'bump into' a secret millionaire who will sweep you off your feet.

Damn you soap operas but more so damn you cable!Growing up I believe it is everyone's dream to make it if not big in life and find some balance in between all this madness.At the end of the day every hard working man wishes to walk out of the office with a smile on his face knowing that he will hopefully drive home before/past rush hour(s) be welcomed by the delicious aroma from his lovely 'kitchen' meet his video vixen look alike for a wife who will warm heartdely welcome her hard working hero if not king with a long deep kiss which in very few words will not only assure him that she was thinking about him all day but is indeed proud of being called his and is willing to show the world just happy he makes her if not completes her.

We all know the life is never what it seems so while you are busy cursing and drinking your liver away in sorrow 'admiring ' this 'perfect' couple where to some extent  you utter worlds like life is so unfair or why is it that God is so selective in giving some people everything ..right?....wrong! Like I said things are never what they seem or appear, but I don't blame anyone who has ever felt if not said such an absurd conclusion.Partial vision this is where I believe you only get to see what you choose  you believe.The results are always the same, you end up being agitated and frustrated over nothing.
So they minute you take your paranoia to a whole new level, sheer madness kicks in.I call it sheer madness reason being what follows next is merely as a result of your own actions.This has nothing to do with karma but you.

If you can kill it in your head,you can kill it in your life-T. D. Jakes

Think about it for a second. So if you can create it in your head you can create it in your life.This is how your enemy has an added advantage over you.There reckon they have nothing to loose by thinking it, so the more they over think it, the more they believe it and the more realistic it becomes so they go at it with a,"what the heck" mentality.whatever happens happens.The difference between you who is watching while others live is simple.You don't want it bad enough because if you did being comfortable or okay with just what life has to offer would not be good enough.Settling for less than that which you anticipated is not an option.The minute you realize that the answer to your never ending questions lies within you and not with others you will have mastered the key to not only surviving but making it in life.See where there is a will there is a way so quit thinking how or why and start acting on what, where and when.

Is there a happily ever after?Yes,no and yes.

Yes! in that if you willing to meet your partner half way and not giving up everytime things unfold in a certain way, fight (with your own demons, his as well as the rest of the word) depending on how bad you want this very thing you waited all your life to be (but not physically ofcourse). Understand this with every relationship there has to be sacrifice from both parties.So for those ladies/men who always make excuses for their partners shortcomings chances are he/she is out there busy searching for a real version of who you used to be.Think about it.You mean to tell me that is by sheer coincidence that a man/lady who was devoted to his/her partner for years will just settle for someone who kinda looks like you and acts like you. come on even you don't buy that.Now you know why it did not work out, you changed so he/she went out on found another you out there.Being a relationship is like taking on a second full time job with less benefits.The question is are you built to love, be loved or co share the love?

No!We both know you are not fooling anyone with the lie you have been making the rest of the world accept.You know yourself.You are better off alone than with anyone because all they ever do is kill every dream, hope and little believe you spare in your soul.Not because you are a horrible person but you are at your best just the sooner you realize it, quit trying to fit in by being with a 'man' by  your side yet in the middle of the night you want to smother 'him' with a pillow.Don't be another victim of a crime of passion when you can be a legend making a difference in someone else's life.
So they way you look at it, there is no happily ever after but in real sense you did get your happily ever after

And Yes!In the end we all get what we truly deserve be it good or bad.

It's entirely up to each and everyone of us to make use of what we have and not what could have been.That is the secret to being truly happy.That to me is the definition of a happily ever after.

The end

Reality Check 

or in your case a rude wake up call

Well the weather maybe acting up for those of you who love sunshine you know hot enough to wear that 'summer' dress yet windy enough to pull a Marilyn Monroe , for those of you allergic to fabric and I say this with so much love if not respect I guess that tattoo or that body part that really boosts your confidence will have to stay 'hidden' it will be your own best secret for now. Don't get me wrong I too wanted some ink on my well formed thigh or need i emphasize hip and lower back that way I would spend most of my time working out to flaunt not only my well kept body but my new master piece but at some point you realize unless you are doing something just for you it becomes an irritating hobby.

No one ever wants to be termed as immature but at some point you need not wake up and smell the pollution but do the impossible.Grow up.Some of us are forced by circumstances if not environment while the rest of us get there through the hard way.That is when you realize the very same thing you thought you wanted in your life you can barely stand the sight of it.My reality check blew me away the day I realized that not everyone is going to appreciate your efforts leave alone celebrate you.It stinks and stings at the very same time but there is nothing you can do about it.That is when you take a serious 360 U -turn.You have a board meeting with I,me,myself and your first two names.In most case and I could be wrong but I holds everything if not everyone together.Me is just the trouble maker all they think about is me and myself.Myself is shy, it has experienced all the bull life has had to throw it's way so it tends to sit back and watch life unfold.Your first name is the sarcasm in this whole equation yet it's the key to unfolding the beauty of life but this is where most people go wrong.They are willing to prove the rest of the world wrong forgetting that society never forgives leave alone forget what you did at some point in your life.So to the rest of the world you are the opposite of your name. Your second name however is all you have.You never wanted it in most cases but you use it to your advantage.It brings you to where you feel like you at some point made it.It is the opposite of myself.

My advise to anyone struggling with the 'kissing disorder ' you know you have to make sure everyone likes you kind of self claimed disease .....please...quit trying so hard.The minute you mind your own business people will have no choice but now get me right still not like you but will respect you. If you earn their respect that's it, you can earn their trust and in return you can get them to listen not really but into whatever it is you are selling but they will pay attention.

 So for now enjoy being you if not being the odd one out.Quit explaining your self or justifying why you are the way  you are.All you need is the right friend and the right person to give you a chance in terms of business.

 Think about it.....

You might thank me later...

or never........

snap out of it!!!





Monday 1 September 2014

The power of the right man/woman in your life .You find yourself happy, inlove, a better you,favored , glowing in an attractive way and in places you could have never imagined.

The power of the wrong man/woman in your life. You always find yourself attracting trouble, bitterness and anger creeps up, jealousy, greed, robbed of what was left of your beauty and you find yourself in places you vowed you would never be.

Don't just be in a relationship to prove a point or to fit in.Be in a relationship because living a day without them next to you/in your life would be another breath wasted.
I am speeding to correct my mistakes,trying in every way to be an inspiration but just like any super hero I cant save everyone.That is why God gave me a beautiful back view for others to follow.Being a kiss ass has never been my specialty so don't ever expect it.If you want perfection look up coz God is all perfect & if normal works for you that is why there are human beings but if you are looking for that undefined someone who will always keep you on your toes & has your best interest at heart halo there I go by Msrealitycheck.I may seem 'the same' but I assure you its like entering an art gallery.Either the painting will be too expensive to purchase thus you will walk away, sit there admire & study in the hopes of painting such or you will walk into the room & ask to meet the painter herself coz by just looking at it you will understand what she had in mind & what each priceless master piece is telling you about her

conclusion:Be it in relationships or friendship if I am willing to go out of my way to understand & be there for you does that make me selfish by expecting the same or is it that only one of us is benefiting & if so don't you think that your stay is long over due?You have to understand that you have to be a disappointment at one point to land that God given appointment.If plan A doesn't work they say go to plan B if not there is always C,D &E but at times you need to quit planning & allow certain situations happen that is why God allows them to happen in the first place.Learn to give God first place, play your part & let things unfold as designed.That way you will be at peace with not only yourself but others as well.That is why 'average' people always seem contented coz they don't try to get that which is not in their reach & have learnt to appreciate the little they have.They are always wearing million dollar smiles without a care in the world not because they don't lack but rather because they have priceless possessions ;dreams, positivity , determination, hope, faith, patience,courage,potential,love & above all they know the secret of figuring life out is through prayer(s).

so if you are down stay there & ask yourself how much longer you plan to wallow in self pity or you can use the experience to unlock a door or crack a glass window.The minute things become too overwhelming to cope look back at the fall & ask yourself if the 'get up & get going' was a waste of time.The minute you get a break through again look back at the 'how far I have come' as a testimony to someone lying unconsciously on the floor that time changes, a friend soothes a wound,a scar becomes a teacher & God compensates.