Tuesday 23 September 2014

The best way to get over someone is neither to get under nor on top of another .Sure the feeling might be mind blowing at the moment but what about this poor innocent victim of this unlocked door?What is this third person supposed to do when they get lost in the moment the so called moment that you were 'using' them to forget an old fling with some hot steamy passion with this unknown person who perhaps may have gathered the only reason why you chose them was because you not only took the time to know indeed it's them you want to be with but really like them enough to want to take things to the next level.Like the advert, "do not drink and drive"...please do not "tap and go".

The best way to get over someone and people hate this part is take the time to morn not moan ..most men would punch me in the face for even 'saying 'this because lets face it they actually follow the later as if it were okay for them to do it and unfair if ladies applied the same rule to move on....well try and move on things would get  little ugly if not messy.Everyone deserves to be adored if not treasured even those who wish the very worst for you.Understand when you use someone it becomes a habit and stopping it would require some divine intervention.

If you were man/woman enough to begin something be the very same person to end it.It's the least that you can do and no you wouldn't be doing the world a favor by taking up your own responsibility or expect to be applauded for cleaning up your own mess.How did folks back in the day ever survive? Simple, they communicated.They did not update their status on Facebook , tweet about it on twitter with a a funny meme ,unfollow each other on Instagram or blog about it ...none of this ever happened.But what of this new generation, how do you make it known that you are off the market or back on by involving everyone in your business.

This goes out to the victim or yet to be victim of such shenanigans please do your homework.Don't just accept the package ...take your time..am not asking you to stalk or go looking for trouble all in the name of getting to the 'bottom of this' no it's not in your place.Know your place in this persons life and unless their past make you their business just enjoy the journey  but take your brain with you.Go with an open mind ...don't be too cautious ...just let things play out as they should and if they tend to get out of hand, you saw the warning sign so act on them diligently like the respectable and different person you always claim to be.Live up to you title...

Don't work hard...act smart

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