Monday 22 September 2014

It's sad when you know that your heart is in the right place but no one else will ever see that for all they see is what they choose to believe from what they hear because no one is willing to take the time to know you,understand you story and get where you are coming from.

I happen to be a victim of mistaken identity.I look like the life of the party yet I never party unless its a friends birthday or need calls for me to get out there and participate.I have been tagged a heart breaker yet am the one who was left to mend my broken heart.I have been crowned a bad ass while am still working on liking my own ass.The ironies of life.The shallow minds of desperate and hollow people who feed on others like vultures just to get a wink of sleep for we all know at night none of these called 'humans' can be at peace with themselves ones the lights go out...they dread the dark ...for that is the only path  and life they know thus the constant need to party hard, drink till they drop and pick on people they know nothing about.

I am the worst of my kind.Very dangerous when provoked yet tame around friendly faces and environments.My kind happens to be the ,"I have nothing to loose"beating me down is not an option for am already way too far on the ground so getting up would be the only next thing left to do. So we always have the sudden need to defend ourselves from everyone else who posses as a threat.I am the best of my kind.Forget a dog...a mans bestfriend....when we love we love with everything in us and will move/go above and beyond for you for we have nothing but your best interest at heart.Loyalty flows in our veins .... we like and love everything you do and secretly protect you from the opposite though we never show it.Indeed we are proud.Too proud at times...

We are just like the rest of the 'other females' the difference being we have mastered the game.We know what to say whom to say it to...when to say it...and how to leave you feeling...we know what we want and will only compromise if it's worth the game change...

I have said too much ....
to be continued

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