Thursday 11 September 2014

Comfort Zone

Get yourself or selves that one good  friend and by good I mean honest enough to let you know it is what it is.The tell it like it is kind of friend.The one who respects you enough to let you do your thing yet honest enough to let you know you are either keeping it real or not.Being human no one and I repeat no one wants their ego to be bruised irrespective of whether you are right or wrong.We all have this 'goddamnit let me be' extra package that comes off as annoying.I don't care how wealthy or physically blessed you are annoying has never been a good thing.That is something you can't brush off.

So,what happens when someone invades your space?As human beings we resist change it's only natural reasons being fear of the unknown and we just don't want to leave our comfort zones.I get that and as a true believer of being comfortable in your own skill, you just can't help but change.A wise stranger called it 'growing up' but who wants to be told that?I don't.But growing up doesn't necessarily mean you have been acting like a teenager well seeking attention at an age you should be settling down know...taking yourself seriously put it in layman's language.

If you care enough for the person 'correcting' you then perhaps it will hit home that you know what I thought I was giving my all but it turns out 100% is good but I can do better say 200%.As unrealistic as it may seem it makes perfect sense.The same way you dislike someone for two reasons one being they have something you want or think you ought to have gotten before or two they are just ridiculous.Think about it, if you had nothing to offer no one would even know of your existance leave alone try and stop you.But why is it that when you come up with genius ideas all of a sudden it feels like you are living in the world war era?Because you have what it takes.

In conclusion,don't just allow wise words amuse your ear drums.Do something.An opportunity will never present itself where comfort is present.You have to want it bad enough to atleast make a step towards it regardless of whether you have the required skill, qualifications or even at times the finances.I always say if it's meant to be it will be but it won't happen while lying down.Be inspired again,get back your fire and dreams....
its time ....................
to kiss............
comfort zone.........

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