Thursday 4 September 2014

Reality Check 

or in your case a rude wake up call

Well the weather maybe acting up for those of you who love sunshine you know hot enough to wear that 'summer' dress yet windy enough to pull a Marilyn Monroe , for those of you allergic to fabric and I say this with so much love if not respect I guess that tattoo or that body part that really boosts your confidence will have to stay 'hidden' it will be your own best secret for now. Don't get me wrong I too wanted some ink on my well formed thigh or need i emphasize hip and lower back that way I would spend most of my time working out to flaunt not only my well kept body but my new master piece but at some point you realize unless you are doing something just for you it becomes an irritating hobby.

No one ever wants to be termed as immature but at some point you need not wake up and smell the pollution but do the impossible.Grow up.Some of us are forced by circumstances if not environment while the rest of us get there through the hard way.That is when you realize the very same thing you thought you wanted in your life you can barely stand the sight of it.My reality check blew me away the day I realized that not everyone is going to appreciate your efforts leave alone celebrate you.It stinks and stings at the very same time but there is nothing you can do about it.That is when you take a serious 360 U -turn.You have a board meeting with I,me,myself and your first two names.In most case and I could be wrong but I holds everything if not everyone together.Me is just the trouble maker all they think about is me and myself.Myself is shy, it has experienced all the bull life has had to throw it's way so it tends to sit back and watch life unfold.Your first name is the sarcasm in this whole equation yet it's the key to unfolding the beauty of life but this is where most people go wrong.They are willing to prove the rest of the world wrong forgetting that society never forgives leave alone forget what you did at some point in your life.So to the rest of the world you are the opposite of your name. Your second name however is all you have.You never wanted it in most cases but you use it to your advantage.It brings you to where you feel like you at some point made it.It is the opposite of myself.

My advise to anyone struggling with the 'kissing disorder ' you know you have to make sure everyone likes you kind of self claimed disease .....please...quit trying so hard.The minute you mind your own business people will have no choice but now get me right still not like you but will respect you. If you earn their respect that's it, you can earn their trust and in return you can get them to listen not really but into whatever it is you are selling but they will pay attention.

 So for now enjoy being you if not being the odd one out.Quit explaining your self or justifying why you are the way  you are.All you need is the right friend and the right person to give you a chance in terms of business.

 Think about it.....

You might thank me later...

or never........

snap out of it!!!





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