Thursday 4 September 2014

To a happily never after

Now now before you go popping champagne toasting to this make believe kindly warm your behind and read along.It comes off as rude but isn't life?By now everyone already agrees that life is not a soap opera and no you are not going to meet the man of your dreams nor 'bump into' a secret millionaire who will sweep you off your feet.

Damn you soap operas but more so damn you cable!Growing up I believe it is everyone's dream to make it if not big in life and find some balance in between all this madness.At the end of the day every hard working man wishes to walk out of the office with a smile on his face knowing that he will hopefully drive home before/past rush hour(s) be welcomed by the delicious aroma from his lovely 'kitchen' meet his video vixen look alike for a wife who will warm heartdely welcome her hard working hero if not king with a long deep kiss which in very few words will not only assure him that she was thinking about him all day but is indeed proud of being called his and is willing to show the world just happy he makes her if not completes her.

We all know the life is never what it seems so while you are busy cursing and drinking your liver away in sorrow 'admiring ' this 'perfect' couple where to some extent  you utter worlds like life is so unfair or why is it that God is so selective in giving some people everything ..right?....wrong! Like I said things are never what they seem or appear, but I don't blame anyone who has ever felt if not said such an absurd conclusion.Partial vision this is where I believe you only get to see what you choose  you believe.The results are always the same, you end up being agitated and frustrated over nothing.
So they minute you take your paranoia to a whole new level, sheer madness kicks in.I call it sheer madness reason being what follows next is merely as a result of your own actions.This has nothing to do with karma but you.

If you can kill it in your head,you can kill it in your life-T. D. Jakes

Think about it for a second. So if you can create it in your head you can create it in your life.This is how your enemy has an added advantage over you.There reckon they have nothing to loose by thinking it, so the more they over think it, the more they believe it and the more realistic it becomes so they go at it with a,"what the heck" mentality.whatever happens happens.The difference between you who is watching while others live is simple.You don't want it bad enough because if you did being comfortable or okay with just what life has to offer would not be good enough.Settling for less than that which you anticipated is not an option.The minute you realize that the answer to your never ending questions lies within you and not with others you will have mastered the key to not only surviving but making it in life.See where there is a will there is a way so quit thinking how or why and start acting on what, where and when.

Is there a happily ever after?Yes,no and yes.

Yes! in that if you willing to meet your partner half way and not giving up everytime things unfold in a certain way, fight (with your own demons, his as well as the rest of the word) depending on how bad you want this very thing you waited all your life to be (but not physically ofcourse). Understand this with every relationship there has to be sacrifice from both parties.So for those ladies/men who always make excuses for their partners shortcomings chances are he/she is out there busy searching for a real version of who you used to be.Think about it.You mean to tell me that is by sheer coincidence that a man/lady who was devoted to his/her partner for years will just settle for someone who kinda looks like you and acts like you. come on even you don't buy that.Now you know why it did not work out, you changed so he/she went out on found another you out there.Being a relationship is like taking on a second full time job with less benefits.The question is are you built to love, be loved or co share the love?

No!We both know you are not fooling anyone with the lie you have been making the rest of the world accept.You know yourself.You are better off alone than with anyone because all they ever do is kill every dream, hope and little believe you spare in your soul.Not because you are a horrible person but you are at your best just the sooner you realize it, quit trying to fit in by being with a 'man' by  your side yet in the middle of the night you want to smother 'him' with a pillow.Don't be another victim of a crime of passion when you can be a legend making a difference in someone else's life.
So they way you look at it, there is no happily ever after but in real sense you did get your happily ever after

And Yes!In the end we all get what we truly deserve be it good or bad.

It's entirely up to each and everyone of us to make use of what we have and not what could have been.That is the secret to being truly happy.That to me is the definition of a happily ever after.

The end

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