Thursday 18 September 2014

The pain of loosing something you worked so hard to achieve can change someone from good to worse.That is how one goes from caring to scaring ..true story..everything just stops 'doing' it for you anymore.You go numb feeling all sorts of negativity and life punches right in the stomach.While you were busy being loved up in cloud nine life has a rude surprise awaiting you.Isn't is funny how you feel like everyone else knew but didn't bother to warn you.While you were busy putting him/her first you never spared some time or energy to be there for yourself because you figured he/she would return the favor.

I call it the devoting yourself to be slapped in the face by reality.No one even bothered to wake you up ..was I that dead asleep?The faithful girlfriend/boyfriend .Always acting like everything is okay like nothing bothers you while in real sense you are drained emotionally,spiritually, physically, mentally and financially.Being strong enough for 'us' even though deep down you are the only one who wants it more.Making up excuses for everytime they act up.Don't get me because being in a relationship is all about sacrificing but if at the end of the day you feel like you got less than you anticipated, something is wrong.That right there is a warning sign.See I tend to believe that before things blow up there is always the 'signs'.That person starts acting up ...they always do so don't go acting like you never saw it coming.The minute you start to have doubt(s) something is always wrong no matter how much you ignore it hoping that it's just a phase .

The minute you realize that you have had enough, that is when the you that you have been putting on hold comes to life.The dreamer in you awakens and suddenly you feel that good is not good enough.All those cute words he/she used to use sound lame and that same old joke she/he used to tell is pure bull.What the heck was I thinking ...why did I have to put up with all theses did I let it get too many questions cloud your mind.When you know you know so no matter how much everyone else tries to convince you to stay you will leave although no one ever says it verbally because deep down they know it's the least you deserve with what is left of your dignity

The past will always be the past so no matter how long you keep postponing.Even with all that money you can't buy your past out ...not for long anyway.When that happens you realize that you enjoy your own company more, have just one true good friend you can entrust with certain information and that settling for less is not an option (due to past experience (s). You find yourself avoiding drama  and if nature calls for any of it, you really aren't going to take part of that fuss.Been there done all that.You find  out that you enjoy walking away than staying.Having to prove yourself is not an option.Gone are the days of having to please leave alone compromise to 'fit in'.

Looking  for a man not a silly little boy who wants to be rewarded because he took me to the movies or bought me dinner . Ladies true or false
Looking for a lady not a melodramatic little girl who always gets her way regardless of how or who she hurts long the way  Gentlemen am I right?

With that said,people are forced to change due to their past experiences.We all have that one tear dropping moment but we do not use it to get ahead in life...sympathy will earn you a crowd but won't land you the dream.Being bitter is not the only option can choose to be better if not bigger.

If it were not for that bad moment you wouldn't have appreciated the good that life has to offer now would you?Think about it, or don't because there are people who are too hard headed to appreciate the good in their lives that they always want what everyone else has.Learn to love what you have before it become what you used to have but if what you have doesn't want to stay set it free and life will 'blow' the right one in your direction.It's that simple just because you invested in it doesn't necessarily mean it will end up being yours.It could be that you are being trained to handle what you will eventually own.There are so many ways to look at it...a coin has two sides ....the truth has four sides ..your version/their version /what others saw and the actual see where am going with always have a choice irrespective of whether life ins you on the ground or up against a wall....

The beauty about it all is that life goes on whether you choose to accept or live in denial....the show must go on ...sadly ....

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