Monday 1 September 2014

I am speeding to correct my mistakes,trying in every way to be an inspiration but just like any super hero I cant save everyone.That is why God gave me a beautiful back view for others to follow.Being a kiss ass has never been my specialty so don't ever expect it.If you want perfection look up coz God is all perfect & if normal works for you that is why there are human beings but if you are looking for that undefined someone who will always keep you on your toes & has your best interest at heart halo there I go by Msrealitycheck.I may seem 'the same' but I assure you its like entering an art gallery.Either the painting will be too expensive to purchase thus you will walk away, sit there admire & study in the hopes of painting such or you will walk into the room & ask to meet the painter herself coz by just looking at it you will understand what she had in mind & what each priceless master piece is telling you about her

conclusion:Be it in relationships or friendship if I am willing to go out of my way to understand & be there for you does that make me selfish by expecting the same or is it that only one of us is benefiting & if so don't you think that your stay is long over due?You have to understand that you have to be a disappointment at one point to land that God given appointment.If plan A doesn't work they say go to plan B if not there is always C,D &E but at times you need to quit planning & allow certain situations happen that is why God allows them to happen in the first place.Learn to give God first place, play your part & let things unfold as designed.That way you will be at peace with not only yourself but others as well.That is why 'average' people always seem contented coz they don't try to get that which is not in their reach & have learnt to appreciate the little they have.They are always wearing million dollar smiles without a care in the world not because they don't lack but rather because they have priceless possessions ;dreams, positivity , determination, hope, faith, patience,courage,potential,love & above all they know the secret of figuring life out is through prayer(s).

so if you are down stay there & ask yourself how much longer you plan to wallow in self pity or you can use the experience to unlock a door or crack a glass window.The minute things become too overwhelming to cope look back at the fall & ask yourself if the 'get up & get going' was a waste of time.The minute you get a break through again look back at the 'how far I have come' as a testimony to someone lying unconsciously on the floor that time changes, a friend soothes a wound,a scar becomes a teacher & God compensates.

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