Wednesday 17 September 2014

unplanned for

The best experiences in life no matter what anyone says are the moments you don't 'see coming'. while you are on your daily business minding your own that is when God pulls a fast one on you.Forget the many times ladies you thought you would land your now current man in that designer dress, the wind blowing and you flash your amazingly white teeth in your glossed up lips just enough to make that man go bananas ...I don't blame you ladies honestly I don't blame any of us though I will blame it on the damn commercials...making us believe that such moments exist.The irony of life is when you least expect it, opportunity presents itself in the most bizarre yet magical way and in most cases you do not end up with that man you thought to yourself would make you grow some angelic wings ..I don't mean to be a moment killer but lets be realistic after all I am ms reality check.It will never happen not the way you want it and if you force it to it will end up scaring you for life.

I am a self proclaimed victim of being a hopeless romantic.Yes I said because other than the will to live the only gift you can give yourself is being your own biggest fan and for that to happen you have to believe in yourself no matter what the facts show.I believe that love is stronger than death and faith can make everything almost possible some point...Gentlemen don't get me wrong being confident is a good trait but with an ugly heart no woman will want any type of association with you ..well not unless you are wealthy ...can I get an amen from all the ladies who collect from such men ...good for you ladies.... and to such men you should wife them clearly they see what the rest of us don't...

I never thought in a million years I would ever be a blogger not that I already am but writing has a way of easing my mind and in most cases I want to say what others would want to say.Am not yet where I want to be with this but atleast am somewhere.For those of you who always take your time to read my shenanigans you are all ridiculously awesome.I don't know you yet but hopefully in due time I will. A simple thank you and am humbled will do for now.What off unplanned pregnancies say as a result of rape?Goodness even I don't have the right words to sit here and lie to you that I understand what you are going through or where you are coming from.I don't and I never will but I know people use God as an escape goat to everything they cannot explain  or understand that happens that they feel shouldn't have happened.The death of an innocent baby, the loss of a loved one, being paralyzed or born with special needs.I don't know why and most people avoid talking about such heartfelt issues.Dealing with insecurities , the past , scars , diseases  and so many other issues if not cases.

The only thing I can offer you is the truth.It's not in my place to rub it in nor scold you...I believe you have allowed others beat you down for way to long.You have been your own worst enemy over things that were beyond your control.My question to you is haven't you had enough? Aren't you tired already of blaming everyone else, being bitter at the world yet it will never apologize  and being the same old person year in year out.Stop already.I get it life has been unfair but hasn't it been to everyone of us?Quit acting like you deserve a reward while you wallow in your pain while you could be picking up the pieces , making beautiful memories and using the experience to help others taking it worse than you are.Haven't you ever thought that you are not the only one.Sure you feel it, it sure looks like it but you are not alone.There is a reason as to why am here be it to encourage , entertain or what ever it is am supposed to offer.Not because am perfect or have it easy but because I want more out of life.Don't you just want to wake up one day and try so hard to remember of what you think life robbed you off and just burst into laughter because nothing was meant to be the way you thought it was.Don't you just want to look back and say, I did it..I beat the odds.It was all unplanned for.How I got here will mark the beginning of the rest of your life.

Get up!

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