Wednesday 24 September 2014

It's sad when men generalize all women as the same.I am not a man so am not even going to try and act like I understand sticking to my kind for now ....don't pop the champagne yet ladies...I only stand up for what I believe is right so this is not a matter of who is right or wrong...It's just but my humble opinion.I hate it when people say humble opinion when in real sense you are being a sarcastic cunning little piece of work...was about to curse ....Where was I ,oh I hate it when they do that but not all coz lets face it each man is different.The one kind that gets on my last nerve is the kind you give a benefit of a doubt.You be all about him yet he be all about himself.Selfish much?

Before you generalize me atleast give me the benefit of a doubt of getting to know what am all about.Before you dismiss me as being another typical black Kenyan girl, see if there is anything black about me and about being Kenyan, that is the beauty of being born and raised in a country full of opportunities and freedom to express myself.Opportunities yet there are no jobs ...well perhaps you have been looking in all the wrong places....freedom?Yes freedom if you understand and learn your rights as long as you don't cross the line 

What pisses me off is the same man you are willing to go above and beyond for is too wrapped up in someone else who will never see them other than the go to guy when things don't unfold as they anticipated.In a way they kinda deserve it...thank you mean girls ....Truth be told it is when it's too late that they realize the very thing they have been looking for has been here all along.Then you are torn between hugging them and slapping them...we are being brutally honest.

Ladies, how do you deal with such a man?Let him be.Let him go.Now before you roll your eyes and call me crazy let me explain.He is like a little kid at this point so the more you insist the more he resists.Let him go not in the hopes of him learning his lesson or realizing you are what he needs...pure manipulation but no none of this.Just let him have his space.He feels as if the walls are caving/closing in on him so he is looking for a way out.That is when you will understand why he kept throwing tantrums ...acting up all of a sudden.Let him be a man..all man.He just wants to confirm that he hasn't lost his A game...his influence in society and his place as one of the guys.He doesn't have to say it yet his actions are screaming out for him...back off!let me breathe ...

You have to woman up ladies.Time for some tough love.He is not your everything.So quite acting like the minute you 'let him leave' he will leave with a part of you you will never get back.I imagine even twins feel the certain urge to be identified as an individual at some point.Sure we may look different to society but we both stare and two different people.
You will not die unless you offer him your heart literally.Remember before he came into the picture you had a life and him leaving will certainly entitle you to continue having one.This is where most of us have (ever or still going) wrong, we kill the me the minute us is offered.Isn't love about sacrifice yes, but who ever asked you to kill your dreams?You assumed since everyone tend to do that but you are not everyone else.He should know that having you in his life is equally a blessing for despite the fact that you are beautiful, smart and ambitious you chose him despite the fact that you had so many men to choose from.Don't rub it to his face though wise about it.But incase he flips the you are lucky to be here while I could be out there with others card check him in his place with a reality check. 

The minute a man decides to move on or cheat or whatever else that they do other than sticking around through the ugly, it has consequences.I fail to understand why he be acting like you should put your life on hold when I went out there partied and lived it our hard.Sorry babyboy but the minute you left don't get me wrong I stuck around long enough to withstand the loneliness and watch the little show you tried so hard to put on....acting like I never meant anything or you had been imprisoned for a crime you did commit.My problem is why are you mad everytime you see me happy in the arms of another.I gave you what you wanted..your freedom back..why are you acting like I wanted this for you when you made life difficult everytime I went out of my way to ask what was going on.Is it that I do not deserve to find happiness or could it be the same way you changed, I also did.I changed.Matter fact you are the reason why I changed.I am not being cold or heartless, am just living for me and those who want to be in my life.The only thing left is the past because that is all it is the past.

The one that got away.That becomes the new identity form someone you used to know to being strangers to being the one you can never get back.It's a high time people stopped blaming others for their own mistakes.Some blame it on timing ...really..time was all the two of you had yet it's the one thing life cannot offer you.So gentlemen, before you leave a good woman I suggest you think long and hard because there is something called life.It has a way of paying you back in full.She might not be 'all that' compared to 'the hot temptation' you know the 'gotta have' but I assure you at one point the tables will turn and who knows she might be the only one to bail you out.

Life is short enough to catch up with you yet long enough to offer you a lifetime full of opportunities.In whatsoever you do, stay humble and be mature about it.

you never know.........
yet life says ,"well what do you know"

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