Monday 29 September 2014

My source of inspiration left so I figured why bother.Unfortunately this is what most of us suffer from.A bad break.It sucks I know because at the end of the day you not only feel empty but robbed in that for a split second you had it whether good or bad you had a connection, a few laughs, an argument but the bottom line is it did not exist in your felt real for it was indeed real.So quit being drunk in delusion and come back to reality.It was fun while it lasted now that it's over pick up the pieces and get your life if not self together.No more pity parties ladies and gentlemen it's time to smell reality and taste what life has to offer.I assure you the best did not leave the best is yet to come.

I am my own biggest fan so believe you me when I say I lied.Ofcourse I lied, I had to.It was the only way to get myself to write ..ahem blog again *giggles*.What inspires me love,break ups ...sad people you know things that people avoid talking about or the best kept yet to blog about affairs the minute I get my facts right considering it's a delicate subject ..well very juicy yet dirty.

Today being Tuesday correction #TerrificTuesday I can only imagine the agony men will be put through by my kind and by kind I mean ladies.Don't act like you don't enjoy it gentlemen I know you do for at the end of it you get your refer to this the willing buyer and willing seller day..and for the rest of us the bitter sweet day.I am not even going to go into the details as far as that last remark goes.So gentlemen as you prepare to go break 'sweat' to earn that Kenyan dream where you will earn yourself the dream house, car , job and wife remember that pizza will not buy itself now will it, someone has to offer and I assure you no lady myself included would resist free food ..lets be honest ladies can we afford our own meals yes but it's sweeter when some else offers to pay for it. We like it when a man is overly generous's your silent way of telling us that you can not only maintain us but our financial status are secure

With that said,I missed my type to eye (blogging) my shenanigans.So,should I hold my breath as far as lunch is concerned?.......I doubt it....or maybe I should....


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