Tuesday 28 July 2015

What kind of friend are you?

Let's be real as always what kind of friend are you? Are the kind that keeps pushing your friend towards their goals? Are you the lets kick it kind that only shows up whenever free and drinks are used in the same sentence? Are you the kind that watches your friends make mistakes by doing what you are good at ... Being silent. You never air your views just in case you are accused of saying something offensive? Are you the cheerleader that cheers their friends on practically everything? 

Life is too short to be a cheerleader. Wait at your age you own Pom poms? We have a name for you with my kind ... clown! So basically you wake up and you just help others exist by applauding their lifestyle... Beautiful! I mean in a sarcastic way. So am guessing the day your friend kicks the bucket you will either cheer someone else on or start living your life huh! Well we all can't be you. Again that is not a compliment. 

Friends are supposed to grow each other and not sleep with the others boyfriend as someone once primitively pointed out. Wait is that your definition of having a friend where screwing is on the agenda? Damn! I must be old fashioned because to me my bestie is treated like my blood sister after having proven that she is trust worthy. 

Why do I have a feeling someone is dying to know what kind of a friend I am? Before you *girl* me to your 'crew' allow me put your curiosity at ease. I am the kind of friend who tells it like it is. I will also take your dreams and help you try and achieve them the best way I can. I am the kind that helps you bring out the best in you. I am the kind that you can turn to because I not only listen but I will help find a solution. I am the kind that lives her life but always take the time to care about those in my circle. 

I am your number one fan, a clown and everything else *giggles* . I am who you want me to be but at the end of the day am not defined by who people say I am. 

The Chase

When you chase someone who is chasing after another. Reminds me of my best friends wedding. It makes perfect sense doesn't it. Calm down and read on slowly. It was meant to be, you saw it , he saw it society was for it but it didn't work out. For some reason this all too confusing. 

Think about it, he has always been there but somehow he found someone else and in your mind you still think he is putting on an act but he is not or is he? You guys grew up together and even your parents teased the two of you of how you should hook up because no one  knows the other better than you. He doesn't have to say what is troubling him, you already know but what happens when it's right but wrong? 

I am not talking about home wrecking  here or being the other woman but what happens when he or she realizes they only care about you but not the same way you do about them? Do you still force the situation or threaten to make their lives miserable. Some of us ladies are meant to prepare these broke men for someone else to enjoy our sweat and effort into turning them into the good men that they have become. Come on don't be bitter. You know if it were not for your encouragements and support he would probably be a good for nothing son of a woman. So how does he reward you, by falling inlove with another. 

Gentlemen, this has everything to do with you but your opinion at this point is of no use. But I understand and that is why am speaking on your behalf. The never ending chase. She had your back when all you had was misery brcause even then you felt as though God had forgotten about you. So you did the right thing, you made her your number one. But the more you tried the more you were assured she is not the one. 

How long would you put up with a relationship as a result of gratitude? Personally I am selfish enough to not allow a day go by without feeling completely appreciated by someone I consider my better half. Out of sight out of mind isn't that what we are all made to believe. But how comes you end up settling for a look alike of the one that got away? 

Speaking of awkward moments ladies have you ever studied your man everyone the two of you bump into certain females? This is not where you get to pull the please I don't stare, am stared at card. While you are full of yourself, she and the rest of society is laughing at your foolishness. Believe that grasshopper. I am not in a relationship but being the sober and keen observer I am, it amazes me what other females put up with all in the name of atleast he calls me his girl. Really!? While you the supposedly love of his love mark you territory by trying to cut the conversation short or pulling an infant move * baby lets go* your Prince Charming is secretly drooling and seeking audience with this * undefined* creature. The way he smiles from ear to ear, hugs her from behind while awaiting to board a matatu at night which brings me to the next question gentlemen, how do you do that? How do you notice her from behind at night in the dark? How do you just act as though the one you are with doesn't exist the minute "she" shows up? 

The chase continues in my #RealityCheck 

Thursday 23 July 2015

Inspired By CNN

There is nothing wrong with airing your views as long as they are proven facts. The power of being misquoted and it's not what I meant when all along you had a choice to be silent. It got me thinking of the many times I have witnessed people make the same mistake thinking they are coming off as Heroes but end up looking like bitter fools. Empty as the very same claims they tried to raise. 

The power of words. They can make or break an entire nation. For now thanks to that one little yet huge slip up it is uniting Kenyans. Now that is a we are one moment. We are all putting our differences aside to address this "terror" issue. In a way in my opinion, it brought back a bullying moment. When someone who has the opportunity to make a difference in the world tries to instill fear just because they assumed we are in Afrrica we pose a threat to other countries. Don't get us wrong we have wild animals in the wild but the rest of us human beings are the opposite ... Calm, Neighbourly and Notable see CNN *giggles* 

Let's all learn from this. Like what ever happened to being innocent until proven guilty? Doing your homework literally? Think before you speak? Perhaps whomever spoke those ill words must have been having a bad day or had a personal issue with a specific individual but to take it out on an entire country and on National Television to me leaves nothing to be desired. 

It's not in my place to judge but learn that given the chance to make a difference internationally I will not allow the immediate go to my head . I will try calm myself down because it's no longer about me but others. Try and leave an impact a positive one in people's lives and not the other way round. People leaving an impact on your life. That is how fast has changes to had. In the heat of a moment learn to pull away and have a self meeting with yourself. 

And that is my #RealityCheck 

Tuesday 21 July 2015

My four o'clock

I have been struggling with landing on that perfect inspiration. I have so much in mind but I just needed that go ahead and blog kind of kick. Now that I have found it, am excited. Today being Tuesday I have a million plus things to be thankful for. I am thankful for being alive, healthy, of sound mind, brave enough to face and embrace this day, for smile for no particular reason, for laughing for afew couple of reasons and among all those am most thankful that I still get to be myself. 

It's not easy sticking to who you have been called to be. Of course being a lady I want to keep up with the trend by dressing the part but that shouldn't hinder me from utilizing my God given potential. At times I know things that take  too long to come to pass that really weigh me down. Like who wants to know all that if it will happen years later. Or like my best friend highlights I have the vision but awful timing *laughs*. 

I was crazy about the month of June but for no particular reason am inlove with July. Don't even ask but I can't help but smile and glow. 

So much has happened since January. We have lost loved ones, lost opportunities that we wish we took, lost meaning of what is left of life. But just like any match, that was only the first half. You can still change the outcome by the end of the year. To me a day is enough to turn your life around while to God a second is enough for him to turn things around. From a zero to a hero. Just like that. All he has to do is say it and it's done. 

Allow me to get my preach on. What we have all been suffering from is the process. The same old routine. Having to do the same thing you did today tomorrow and the next day and the next day after that until you feel drained and you find yourself giving and embracing the phase. But what we forget is that the process makes us toughen up to get us to where God wants us to be. This is where most of us have discovered our true friends because nobody wants the process. 

Then comes change. When you pull people from familiar places to unfamiliar they harden. What they were used to might not have been working out by atleast they still want the illusion that they were cracking the system of how it was better than this new change. 

People have gone a step further and taken the word literally. The word says ," As I was with Moses so shall I be with you". Beautiful words. Let me break it down because I find that most ladies are struggling with this scripture while trying to apply it in their own lives. So perhaps your mentor has a lifestyle that got you wishing you had the same. So instead of living your life you start living it through so one else. From admiring to possessing. It doesn't work. Just because I was raised in church and mylife somehow looks as if it's better from your point of view doesn't mean you stop being you, join the same church, wear the same clothes , befriend my very same friends and expect to be blessed the same. 

Instead of changing clothes, ladies we need to change our hearts. We already look amazing although some of us are trying hard to alter their already God given beauty by fixing what is not broken. We need to find our own inner voice and stand out. You have to discover your own uniqueness then the right people will show up in your life. Let's be real ladies, how many men have you been with and yet they keep disappointing you the very same way. Perhaps the problem is not the men you attract but who you are as a person that attracts that kind of a man. 

And that is my #RealityCheck

Friday 17 July 2015

My love letter to you

I have a feeling if I don't write this love letter someone else will beat me to it. There is something you need to know about your girl, she is very competitive in a good way. Like if I think it I want to be the one to tell of how this idea came to me kind of thing. Am not afraid of loosing you because am secure enough to know if you want to go, I will not hold you back.

I want to tell you when am having a great idea, I usually have a lot of these. I want you to be the first to tell when am having a crapy day and feel like b*tching about it or like now am taking a matatu home and   some passenger was like " shukisha sodi " *laughs*there is no cute way of making a perverted place sound sexy *burst out laughing* Sodi as in Sodom like in the bible *giggles* I hope it's not what am thinking. By now am hoping you are my number one fan and hate it when I don't blog. I pray you get my sense of humor and that your friends assuming you have already told them about me think you are mad for liking someone you have never met perhaps. 

I just want you to hurry and claim me.i will tell you what am afraid of though, that these men pursuing me one day I will grow weary of letting them down and that I will eventually give in. You are taking too damn long. Wherever you are get your ašš home to me *smile* babygal is human, straight and has needs *blushes*. Perhaps you are in the club watching women twerking well I can twerk * falls down laughing* or working late in the office if that's the case I hope this keeps you entertained. Maybe you are in a relationship with a lady who is treating you like you were her last option well let her know there is about to be a new sheriff in town who will lets just say I will show you * wink*. Wherever you are you son of a woman, know a heart somewhere tonight is struggling because it beats for you and eyes that are tired of looking at other men but rather want to be lost in yours. 

I would go on but am going home to a cold bed so no need to torture myself . I miss you and until the day we will meet I will keep writing hoping you get my love letter(s). I have so much to tell you and by now I know you are a smart man, you have figured it out. Good God I miss you. Oh well I will survive considering this girl is on fire *laughing sheepishly * am done. Goodnight my calm heartbeat. Until then I will do my best to make you proud of me.

And that is my love letter #RealityCheck 


Gentlemen, this is how you deal or rather handle a wounded woman, let her be. Don't entertain her or think by loving her past her pain will make her see you for the man you are. Secretly she is waiting for you to mess up and the you men are all the same speech goes off. We both know you deserve better than a bitter woman. 

This kind of woman is too emotionally involved if not drained. She is the type that holds on to another woman's man not because she likes the man but because she wants to prove to others while proving to herald that she can keep a man. Ladies if you have evert encountered such females please stay clear of the unnecessary drama. She has nothing to loose by acting psycho. For the record she is not acting crazy she is crazy. 

Ladies don't waste your breath on a wounded man. He will only drag you down his you women are all the same shenanigans. You are a princess awaiting her crown not a clown awaiting his puppet master in the circus. Wounded men unlike psychotic ladies look the gentleman part. He plays his role all to well. He acts like a two year old and blames it on the jealousy card. By that I mean he will literally embarrass you all in the name of am defending what is mine. Seeking attention in all the wrong ways. Hey, he didn't change, you were just too smitten to see past the gifts that all that was to cover up. 

Such men avoid real talk but when they decided to open up is as bait to make you stay. They are good at manipulating and making you feel as though it's your fault. You end up committing to a man just to prove you are nothing like his ex. 

Time heals all wounds but damn it how is it supposed to if you keep blaming it on the same old story and not willing to learn from your mistakes. So how will making life hard for everyone else ease your pain? Ladies how will draining a good man whom we both know you don't deserve because of your bitterness show the rest of us good ladies that bad pays off? Unless your intentions are to spread hate and anger I don't see the need of all this madness. Gentlemen how will you making a good woman suffer help reduce the pain? Why are you robbing her the chance to be with a man who has already fought his demons and can love her the way she deserves a bad thing? 

In my opinion bitter and people in pain should be isolated because they have so much negative energy. You don't get over someone by starting a new relationship. You can only be healed not by time but by yourself. You have to want this bad enough for yourself. The same energy you are using to scheme and make others pay should be the same focus on making you a better you. 

I understand the pain but I don't sympathize. We have all had to deal with a loss in one way or another. Great or small so stop acting as though you are doing God a favor by being alive. We get it you are mad, you probably have every right to be but tell me this what does that have to do with me trying to show you that I will not hurt you . Not like that anyway. Am human not immortal so don't expect unrealistic gestures. 

I will leave you with this," I love you " has eight letter but sadly so is " Bullshit" so you do the math. 

And that is my wounds #RealityCheck 

Tuesday 14 July 2015

My 7pm thought

Isn't it funny or sad depending on how you look at it people want promotion without having to go through the process. They only want the title but having to work for it feels like a job. These are the very same people who are always complaining when asked to either report to work early or spare an hour after working hours as per their contracts demanding for an extra pay yet all they ever do really is download movies, stream online and tweet of how they hate their jobs. Which got me thinking of you hate it enough to talk about it why not quit? I term such people as liabilities. 

Anyone who has a bad working relationship to be honest in my opinion in person are toxic even in their personal lives. You have nothing new to offer and yes they are predictable. Nothing you ever do will be good enough to them. Identify and avoid them. They are the very same people who lack self esteem so they seek it out through others on the hope of loving themselves. 

I feel like just by writing this the one for me needs this *laughs*. I got you. It's not how long you live but how well you live. I always say my work is to make someone else life easier by listening to inspirational messages and breaking it down in a way you can use this to get through that phase. 

Most people ignore where they are trying to get to where they are supposed to be.. This came as a surprise to me that your future is somehow in Kin with your past . At times we all find ourselves falling inlove with tomorrow and neglecting today when things don't work out. The secret is in surviving today and using what you learn to live out tomorrow. 

This blew me away that we are attracted to people who have mastered what they do. This answers a lot of questions. So when the one you are with says that you have changed *smiles* ...... you are welcome. There are things that only experience can teach you so don't run a race with horses when you are tired from walking with men. That is deep. A true master only shines when the light is on him. So, what kind of a master are you?

And that is my 7pm #RealityCheck. Have an attractive night checkmates. 

Monday 13 July 2015


Gone too soon my friend. You were the brother the perverted brother who always kept it real. To many you might have been a "makanga" but to me you were simply Sam. I saw the real you. I saw past the act you put on . The brave face you always wore on your face. Your charm and charisma had the ladies going    kuku. You were a family man. Always going out of your way for others. Making sure you left an impact. 

Well you did to me anyway. We kept it real with each other. You always made me smile by the power in your words. You made me feel important even on days I felt as though no one noticed or appreciated. You were hard working and even though I always wanted better for you, I guess God did give you that. 

Today on learning of your death, I felt my heart break. I was in denial at first considering it was just last week I bumped into you and as usual you were your goofy self. How you died is too sad to share it here or for me to even write it but I choose to celebrate you and not moan your departure. The fact that you were in my life matters. You mattered and I got to tell you that time and again. The thought of not seeing you even from miles away kills me but I hold on to the memories of you. 

You found love and that is all that matters. I will miss everything about you the good because to me family will never do anything bad enough to be forgotten. You kept it together during your mums death. I don't know how you did that but I could tell it tore you apart because she was your everything. 

I will miss you and will continue saying nothing short of how amazing you were. Thank you for being real and I would be lying if I said I recal ever thanking you in person. I hope I did. I thank God for you. I celebrate you baby boy. Rest in heaven because a man like you deserves a soft white pillow to sleep on while resting. You were no saint but in my eyes you did no wrong. You did me proud brother. I loved you not in the way you always wanted but I did in my own unique way and I celebrate a life well lived. 

And that is my Atoti #RealityCheck. 

Thursday 9 July 2015

Going in a new normal

This is my new truth. Going in a new normal. Breaking the old habits and expecting new results. I am too comfortable in the same routine. As soon as am up , I talk myself to enjoying the day ahead, expect the worst psychology in the hope that it will turn positive , try and leave an impact in someone's life and be at peace with myself at the end of the day. 

As much as it has been working out it has not be exciting. I want to break the barriers, my own self made truth. A special man close to my heart told me that my version could be hindering God from blessing me. Anyone who knows me knows I always have a version. That which am always ready to defend at any cost. So perhaps it's time I allow someone else take charge. It's tiring being the only one who sees it and having to explain why am so firm on a certain situation. 

I am truly blessed. I cannot even begin to tell you what the Almighty God has done for this sinner. He has been merciful and for that I will always be humble. He loves me more than I will ever love him and I am humbled by that. 

People are loyal to disfunction and until you grow up , you will follow people who you ought to be leading "he... My friend  further highlighted ". He understands what I have been through and simply told me to put it away. He warned me that I cannot put it away unless I identify it and resist. I love the part where he emphasized that if I resist it, it will flee. So July is my month to apply what I have been equipped with and move forward. 

My prayer is not to mad when life presents me the opportunity to meet up with the people trying to inflict delay and anger but instead remind myself that they are going through what I went through and now that I know better I shouldn't curse or put them in their places. There has to be a difference between them and myself. Show them that what they saw in you was not temporary and that you still are the same you without them and with others. 

As if he could see throughy troubled heart he ended by assuring me that the only reason why God allowed it to happen is because He knows He can trust you. That made sense. I hope this inspires someone. 

And that is my new normal #RealityCheck

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Peaceful love

Ladies have you ever loved a man so much you you would confuse it with a selfless love? This is deeper. You love him enough to know he is putting on a show and know what each show represents. You love him to the extend of knowing he will snap out of it but scared because you know he won't handle the outcome atleast not at first. 

Given the chance to get even you only smile and walk away. Instead of cursing him out you find yourself blessing and assuring those who doubt that he is indeed destined for greatness. Yeah the day I will be in the company of such a man I will be sure to let you know or perhaps I already have * laughs* . Goodnight. 

Monday 6 July 2015

4pm things

My predictable hot mess. That is the title I have given you in my head. It is always easier to blame it on others than to own up to ones responsibility. I know it takes two but why is it that only one takes the blame for it. In most cases it's always the lady. I don't mind society pointing fingers as a matter of fact if they wouldn't I would be concerned. But when the party involved decides to blame you for their short comings is when things get way out of hand. The only thing left to do is try and fix the mess he leaves behind. 

I am tempted to get even considering am human and blame it on him as well but seeing as I have outgrown the situation I don't mind taking the fall for it. Hey, I took part it's only fair I own up. I guess that is why single mothers most of them anyway  are mad at the man. Not because we were supposed to be in this together but because you behaved like jerk about it. Why is it hard for a man to understand that yes there was a time I really liked you  but now you are just a random dude. Like I don't like you like that. When you do that, it's not cute it's rather annoying. You deserve the best and since am not it, go find it. 

Why are men mad when a lady decides they want nothing to do with them? Sure it was fun but feels more of a game the minute it's over so is everything else.  I could really use a man's opinion on this but until then I will keep writing trying to figure it out along the way. No one deserves to be rejected but I am an honest kind of human being. If I like you then I will show it and if not, I will be clear to stay out  of your way.

Why does everything have to be messy?whatever happened to we can still be friends? Wait weren't we friends to begin with? I don't like hostility. So I always try y best to be in workable conditions with everyone. By workable I mean only if it's work related *giggles*. 

I don't have a problem with you dating other females so why should you be mad  at the fact that am moving on with my life? Wait, you didn't actually mistake me for a ride or die hard chic did you? I am as modern as they come. There is no need for you to push me away just give me a reason to leave and I will. Don't sugar coat it either it is what it is. 

Unlike men, we don't show the rest of the world just how moved on we are, we are sensitive species so I hide the fact that we have also found someone special but this time we are being cautious as not to end up as last time. That's all. 

Why can't we all get along and laugh at how it didn't work out between us? Men, why are you always trying to make us look bad? What are you hoping to achieve? They say women are complicated but I swear as I mature men are just difficult to understand. I am not suggesting we go on double dates am rather asking we respect each other's decision. 

And that is my #RealityCheck 


I have had my share of sad men. I saw this coming I just never saw the details it came wrapped in. This morning I just want to talk to all the men out there. This could be useful to you ladies as well. I am not a man but I think rather I know this piece will do. 

So how do you know you are dealing the sad kind of man? It's easy. Make and take the time to learn this kind of rare species. No man will even own up to being bitter leave alone being sad. It's upon you to take what he gives you and match it against how he carries himself. It's not for the faint at heart ladies so by assuming you know him doesn't necessarily mean you understanding him. 
When a man shows you who he is believe him. Don't try and prove him wrong although that is where most of us ladies go wrong but if he treats you like crap, he is not testing to see if you will stay or leave, he is simply that ...

The sad kind of a man has the following weaknesses: he is a know it all, he believes he can buy his way out of any situation, he only thinks about himself and how he will benefit from the situation and deep down is afraid of being rejected . So instead of trying to change that man with love and adoration,ale his dreams into a reality he never saw coming. Ladies, when you have done all you can do by a man leave before he leaves you. Run babygal run with everything in you. 

That man will never appreciate you presence until the day you leave. Sure he will hook up with afew ladies some even  in your circle of friends to prove just how much he detests you but let's be real, why would you want to prove a point that close to home? His main agenda is making you regret ever playing him in his own game. Who said it was a game? We met, has a special connection, the chemistry felt right so one thing led to another and when it did not work out you left. As simple as that. 

Gentlemen never break the bro code. I don't know how you go about it but as far as ladies go, you never out your friend  unless he is a total jerk and the lady deserves better. Going to the extreme by dishing out details to try and justify perhaps what might have gone down with the wife, sister or cousin to me screams desperation. The only logical anyan would go to such an extend is to hurt his "bro" where it hurts the most. That is when things get messy. In the end it's not worth it. Loosing your friendship over a heat in the moment to me only proves that you never valued your friendship in the first place.

The sad kind of man is a one man's show. He is a one man empire. He never feels the need to let anyone in. It even his male friends. He only says what they want to hear to appear human as if he relates. He is as a result of a bad breakup if not rejection. Some female somewhere is to blame for this mans actions. Just because she rejected him at the time perhaps he was broke makes him believe that now that he has money and influence he can have any woman he so wishes just to prove a point to his past. Goodness and to think they say woman are pathetic. He willingly hops from one sexual encounter to another making empty promises like I can get you anything you so desire. How about some honesty for starters? Too much? I thought so. He has made himself think that he is a young god who can grant you the universe if you continue submitting. He is no more than an empty man afraid of being on his own. 

The thought of any woman rejecting him doesn't sit well with this kind of sad man. He has mastered the art of faking just how he understand where you are comin from that you will end up believing he is heaven sent. He feels caged and every time he feels cornered he uses what he has money, women and power to back him up. He is the life of the party looking for new experience just to get bragging rights. He acts and looks sophisticated but at the end of the day he goes home feeling worse and wakes up knowing that nothing he ever does will ever fill the void. 

The sad kind of man is unapologetic . Like I said unless he is sure he will get some at the end of that sorry word you might as well wait an eternity. He is the ultimate playboy. He messes around with the female psychology just until you let him in. He is fast to justify and cover up his trials. He flaunts his strengths . The sad kind of man is always the loud kind that utilizes any opportunity to get noticed. The sad kind of man shows off and uses what they have to get attention. He uses his titles to emphasize just how important he is. 

The sad kind of man is the one with secrets. He is the settling kind of man who does it just to prove to himself and others that he can bag a beautiful woman for a wife. He is the kind that lives in his friends shadows. He gets kids just because he friends have kids. He doesn't have real friends he has fans who end up being parasites. He has clowns for entertainment to still prove that he is relevant . His back up friends *clowns now turned parasites* only like him for what he represents Mpesa balances and beer pressure. He is fincially stable and makes it rain every weekend heck everyday. He has to prove a point or live up to his self made title.
The sad kind is emotionally unavailable . The only time he spent alone was when he was creating his empire and vowed to never allow any woman in the way he let the one that got away or he actually wanted rejected him. I figure she did him a huge favor because he established himself but sadly took the pain with him. This bitterness is getting way out of hand. The sad kind of man thinks that if it were not for his money, titles and power would any female ever like him for who he is? No! Simply because you would be broke but still bitter. Bitter is constant. There is nothing attractive about a bitter man regardless of his billions. He only turns a good woman bad. 

The sad kind of man will never get it and will even blame his short comings on the one good woman out there trying to understand him. He will rebuke, insult and make her pay for another woman's mistakes. On behalf of the good women out there who are working for their thrones the old fashioned way, going to work early, leaving the office late, having to issue reports , missing a meal or two while on the job and still trying to look presentable, there is more to a man that what he represents. I already have a job thank you very much but I need you to return the same respect I give you. I did not get here by chance or coincidence  so don't think you are doing me a favor when you rub your title in my face. Not every woman is her and for the record being bitter and treating everyone around you as your loyal subjects won't get her back. 

On behalf of all sad men out there, my kind will not hesitate to leave. Loyalty has an expiry date as well. So how about I blind devotion you behind the scenes and the day you will get to learn of what I did for you perhaps that will make you appreciate the little good left in humanity. But then again am reminded we all can't be guilt free some of us have to be bitter for the world to be balanced. Oh well carry on you sad kind of man. 

And that is my #RealityCheck 

Thursday 2 July 2015


Let it be known that I have nothing against office affairs but the thought of using someone else to get ahead to me deserves the shaming list. You couldn't keep it inbetween your legs so don't expect the rest of us to keep it inbetween our cheekbones. Two reasons why everyone would know you are earning more than your salary would be one, you wanted them to know. You are as lame as the person you are having the affair with to try and mark your territory. What part of being the breakfast , lunch, five o'clock and inbetween don't you get? Everyone is busy .... Busy updating each other about the two of you on hangout. People are exchange information and predicting on how soon your little affair will blow over. 

The other reason is your body language says it all. If I ever come across a man worth the trouble best believe I always put my happiness first. I will have the affair and not even think twice. Like I said if he is worth the consequences. I wouldn't want him to be my colleuge though. That would be awkward having to face my past office hours. Tempting but I am a little hesitant on it. 

I like my business private and straight to the point. Set everything on the table. If we both just want to have a little fan then let's do exactly that. Let's not complicate things by and in most cases we ladies end up having more feelings for the man and expecting more. The more reason I avoid affairs. I don't want to be the fool in the man's mind game. 

So what happens when things go way out of hand? Someone is bound to be fired. You find in most cases the lady will start acting up mixing her emotions with business. Unlike men, we are yet to master the art of faking or in English the art of acting as though it doesn't bother us. Watching people having affairs is fun. It's like a telemundo though in their case there is no happily ever after. Anything based on lies ends up not only hurting both parties but the outcome is ugly. No one wants to work with a bitter human.

If you can't handle the heat then don't start a fire. Putting it out is not the problem but rather controlling it becomes the challenge. So am I still going to have an office affair? I believe the right question should be ," are the consequences worth the affair?" Think about it.... I know I am. 

And that is my #RealityCheck 


Just like Sarah in the bible, I have laughed. It's not that I don't deserve it, I honestly do but I have had my share of not being good so in a way somehow I feel it's too good of a reward for me. Have you ever done something so bad that is left you feeling like now understand why things never look up. Like oh well I deserve that. How you ever felt that? Well I do so every time I feel am faced with a wow moment I can't help but laugh at myself. A soft convincing voice always reminds me of how much someone else deserves it and not me. 

That is how I have managed to make it this far. By talking myself out of it. Like really girl stop. We both know it can never play out like that. Don't even waste a thought on that matter. At times I even look up and talk to the skies like nice one God, as if that would ever happen. It's both a good and a bad thing. It keeps me on my toes. Well balanced not thinking of the immediate. At the same time I could be talking myself into poverty by denying myself the chance to atleast see how it works out. 

I blame it not on my past disappointments but on my mindset. I am to blame for my own shortcomings. Not to worry, with this new month, I promise to atleast see how things unfold then talk myself not out of it but through it. I will let you know on how it goes. 

And that is my 7:14 #RealityCheck