Tuesday 21 July 2015

My four o'clock

I have been struggling with landing on that perfect inspiration. I have so much in mind but I just needed that go ahead and blog kind of kick. Now that I have found it, am excited. Today being Tuesday I have a million plus things to be thankful for. I am thankful for being alive, healthy, of sound mind, brave enough to face and embrace this day, for smile for no particular reason, for laughing for afew couple of reasons and among all those am most thankful that I still get to be myself. 

It's not easy sticking to who you have been called to be. Of course being a lady I want to keep up with the trend by dressing the part but that shouldn't hinder me from utilizing my God given potential. At times I know things that take  too long to come to pass that really weigh me down. Like who wants to know all that if it will happen years later. Or like my best friend highlights I have the vision but awful timing *laughs*. 

I was crazy about the month of June but for no particular reason am inlove with July. Don't even ask but I can't help but smile and glow. 

So much has happened since January. We have lost loved ones, lost opportunities that we wish we took, lost meaning of what is left of life. But just like any match, that was only the first half. You can still change the outcome by the end of the year. To me a day is enough to turn your life around while to God a second is enough for him to turn things around. From a zero to a hero. Just like that. All he has to do is say it and it's done. 

Allow me to get my preach on. What we have all been suffering from is the process. The same old routine. Having to do the same thing you did today tomorrow and the next day and the next day after that until you feel drained and you find yourself giving and embracing the phase. But what we forget is that the process makes us toughen up to get us to where God wants us to be. This is where most of us have discovered our true friends because nobody wants the process. 

Then comes change. When you pull people from familiar places to unfamiliar they harden. What they were used to might not have been working out by atleast they still want the illusion that they were cracking the system of how it was better than this new change. 

People have gone a step further and taken the word literally. The word says ," As I was with Moses so shall I be with you". Beautiful words. Let me break it down because I find that most ladies are struggling with this scripture while trying to apply it in their own lives. So perhaps your mentor has a lifestyle that got you wishing you had the same. So instead of living your life you start living it through so one else. From admiring to possessing. It doesn't work. Just because I was raised in church and mylife somehow looks as if it's better from your point of view doesn't mean you stop being you, join the same church, wear the same clothes , befriend my very same friends and expect to be blessed the same. 

Instead of changing clothes, ladies we need to change our hearts. We already look amazing although some of us are trying hard to alter their already God given beauty by fixing what is not broken. We need to find our own inner voice and stand out. You have to discover your own uniqueness then the right people will show up in your life. Let's be real ladies, how many men have you been with and yet they keep disappointing you the very same way. Perhaps the problem is not the men you attract but who you are as a person that attracts that kind of a man. 

And that is my #RealityCheck

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