Friday 17 July 2015


Gentlemen, this is how you deal or rather handle a wounded woman, let her be. Don't entertain her or think by loving her past her pain will make her see you for the man you are. Secretly she is waiting for you to mess up and the you men are all the same speech goes off. We both know you deserve better than a bitter woman. 

This kind of woman is too emotionally involved if not drained. She is the type that holds on to another woman's man not because she likes the man but because she wants to prove to others while proving to herald that she can keep a man. Ladies if you have evert encountered such females please stay clear of the unnecessary drama. She has nothing to loose by acting psycho. For the record she is not acting crazy she is crazy. 

Ladies don't waste your breath on a wounded man. He will only drag you down his you women are all the same shenanigans. You are a princess awaiting her crown not a clown awaiting his puppet master in the circus. Wounded men unlike psychotic ladies look the gentleman part. He plays his role all to well. He acts like a two year old and blames it on the jealousy card. By that I mean he will literally embarrass you all in the name of am defending what is mine. Seeking attention in all the wrong ways. Hey, he didn't change, you were just too smitten to see past the gifts that all that was to cover up. 

Such men avoid real talk but when they decided to open up is as bait to make you stay. They are good at manipulating and making you feel as though it's your fault. You end up committing to a man just to prove you are nothing like his ex. 

Time heals all wounds but damn it how is it supposed to if you keep blaming it on the same old story and not willing to learn from your mistakes. So how will making life hard for everyone else ease your pain? Ladies how will draining a good man whom we both know you don't deserve because of your bitterness show the rest of us good ladies that bad pays off? Unless your intentions are to spread hate and anger I don't see the need of all this madness. Gentlemen how will you making a good woman suffer help reduce the pain? Why are you robbing her the chance to be with a man who has already fought his demons and can love her the way she deserves a bad thing? 

In my opinion bitter and people in pain should be isolated because they have so much negative energy. You don't get over someone by starting a new relationship. You can only be healed not by time but by yourself. You have to want this bad enough for yourself. The same energy you are using to scheme and make others pay should be the same focus on making you a better you. 

I understand the pain but I don't sympathize. We have all had to deal with a loss in one way or another. Great or small so stop acting as though you are doing God a favor by being alive. We get it you are mad, you probably have every right to be but tell me this what does that have to do with me trying to show you that I will not hurt you . Not like that anyway. Am human not immortal so don't expect unrealistic gestures. 

I will leave you with this," I love you " has eight letter but sadly so is " Bullshit" so you do the math. 

And that is my wounds #RealityCheck 

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