Monday 13 July 2015


Gone too soon my friend. You were the brother the perverted brother who always kept it real. To many you might have been a "makanga" but to me you were simply Sam. I saw the real you. I saw past the act you put on . The brave face you always wore on your face. Your charm and charisma had the ladies going    kuku. You were a family man. Always going out of your way for others. Making sure you left an impact. 

Well you did to me anyway. We kept it real with each other. You always made me smile by the power in your words. You made me feel important even on days I felt as though no one noticed or appreciated. You were hard working and even though I always wanted better for you, I guess God did give you that. 

Today on learning of your death, I felt my heart break. I was in denial at first considering it was just last week I bumped into you and as usual you were your goofy self. How you died is too sad to share it here or for me to even write it but I choose to celebrate you and not moan your departure. The fact that you were in my life matters. You mattered and I got to tell you that time and again. The thought of not seeing you even from miles away kills me but I hold on to the memories of you. 

You found love and that is all that matters. I will miss everything about you the good because to me family will never do anything bad enough to be forgotten. You kept it together during your mums death. I don't know how you did that but I could tell it tore you apart because she was your everything. 

I will miss you and will continue saying nothing short of how amazing you were. Thank you for being real and I would be lying if I said I recal ever thanking you in person. I hope I did. I thank God for you. I celebrate you baby boy. Rest in heaven because a man like you deserves a soft white pillow to sleep on while resting. You were no saint but in my eyes you did no wrong. You did me proud brother. I loved you not in the way you always wanted but I did in my own unique way and I celebrate a life well lived. 

And that is my Atoti #RealityCheck. 

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