Monday 6 July 2015


I have had my share of sad men. I saw this coming I just never saw the details it came wrapped in. This morning I just want to talk to all the men out there. This could be useful to you ladies as well. I am not a man but I think rather I know this piece will do. 

So how do you know you are dealing the sad kind of man? It's easy. Make and take the time to learn this kind of rare species. No man will even own up to being bitter leave alone being sad. It's upon you to take what he gives you and match it against how he carries himself. It's not for the faint at heart ladies so by assuming you know him doesn't necessarily mean you understanding him. 
When a man shows you who he is believe him. Don't try and prove him wrong although that is where most of us ladies go wrong but if he treats you like crap, he is not testing to see if you will stay or leave, he is simply that ...

The sad kind of a man has the following weaknesses: he is a know it all, he believes he can buy his way out of any situation, he only thinks about himself and how he will benefit from the situation and deep down is afraid of being rejected . So instead of trying to change that man with love and adoration,ale his dreams into a reality he never saw coming. Ladies, when you have done all you can do by a man leave before he leaves you. Run babygal run with everything in you. 

That man will never appreciate you presence until the day you leave. Sure he will hook up with afew ladies some even  in your circle of friends to prove just how much he detests you but let's be real, why would you want to prove a point that close to home? His main agenda is making you regret ever playing him in his own game. Who said it was a game? We met, has a special connection, the chemistry felt right so one thing led to another and when it did not work out you left. As simple as that. 

Gentlemen never break the bro code. I don't know how you go about it but as far as ladies go, you never out your friend  unless he is a total jerk and the lady deserves better. Going to the extreme by dishing out details to try and justify perhaps what might have gone down with the wife, sister or cousin to me screams desperation. The only logical anyan would go to such an extend is to hurt his "bro" where it hurts the most. That is when things get messy. In the end it's not worth it. Loosing your friendship over a heat in the moment to me only proves that you never valued your friendship in the first place.

The sad kind of man is a one man's show. He is a one man empire. He never feels the need to let anyone in. It even his male friends. He only says what they want to hear to appear human as if he relates. He is as a result of a bad breakup if not rejection. Some female somewhere is to blame for this mans actions. Just because she rejected him at the time perhaps he was broke makes him believe that now that he has money and influence he can have any woman he so wishes just to prove a point to his past. Goodness and to think they say woman are pathetic. He willingly hops from one sexual encounter to another making empty promises like I can get you anything you so desire. How about some honesty for starters? Too much? I thought so. He has made himself think that he is a young god who can grant you the universe if you continue submitting. He is no more than an empty man afraid of being on his own. 

The thought of any woman rejecting him doesn't sit well with this kind of sad man. He has mastered the art of faking just how he understand where you are comin from that you will end up believing he is heaven sent. He feels caged and every time he feels cornered he uses what he has money, women and power to back him up. He is the life of the party looking for new experience just to get bragging rights. He acts and looks sophisticated but at the end of the day he goes home feeling worse and wakes up knowing that nothing he ever does will ever fill the void. 

The sad kind of man is unapologetic . Like I said unless he is sure he will get some at the end of that sorry word you might as well wait an eternity. He is the ultimate playboy. He messes around with the female psychology just until you let him in. He is fast to justify and cover up his trials. He flaunts his strengths . The sad kind of man is always the loud kind that utilizes any opportunity to get noticed. The sad kind of man shows off and uses what they have to get attention. He uses his titles to emphasize just how important he is. 

The sad kind of man is the one with secrets. He is the settling kind of man who does it just to prove to himself and others that he can bag a beautiful woman for a wife. He is the kind that lives in his friends shadows. He gets kids just because he friends have kids. He doesn't have real friends he has fans who end up being parasites. He has clowns for entertainment to still prove that he is relevant . His back up friends *clowns now turned parasites* only like him for what he represents Mpesa balances and beer pressure. He is fincially stable and makes it rain every weekend heck everyday. He has to prove a point or live up to his self made title.
The sad kind is emotionally unavailable . The only time he spent alone was when he was creating his empire and vowed to never allow any woman in the way he let the one that got away or he actually wanted rejected him. I figure she did him a huge favor because he established himself but sadly took the pain with him. This bitterness is getting way out of hand. The sad kind of man thinks that if it were not for his money, titles and power would any female ever like him for who he is? No! Simply because you would be broke but still bitter. Bitter is constant. There is nothing attractive about a bitter man regardless of his billions. He only turns a good woman bad. 

The sad kind of man will never get it and will even blame his short comings on the one good woman out there trying to understand him. He will rebuke, insult and make her pay for another woman's mistakes. On behalf of the good women out there who are working for their thrones the old fashioned way, going to work early, leaving the office late, having to issue reports , missing a meal or two while on the job and still trying to look presentable, there is more to a man that what he represents. I already have a job thank you very much but I need you to return the same respect I give you. I did not get here by chance or coincidence  so don't think you are doing me a favor when you rub your title in my face. Not every woman is her and for the record being bitter and treating everyone around you as your loyal subjects won't get her back. 

On behalf of all sad men out there, my kind will not hesitate to leave. Loyalty has an expiry date as well. So how about I blind devotion you behind the scenes and the day you will get to learn of what I did for you perhaps that will make you appreciate the little good left in humanity. But then again am reminded we all can't be guilt free some of us have to be bitter for the world to be balanced. Oh well carry on you sad kind of man. 

And that is my #RealityCheck 

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