Friday 17 July 2015

My love letter to you

I have a feeling if I don't write this love letter someone else will beat me to it. There is something you need to know about your girl, she is very competitive in a good way. Like if I think it I want to be the one to tell of how this idea came to me kind of thing. Am not afraid of loosing you because am secure enough to know if you want to go, I will not hold you back.

I want to tell you when am having a great idea, I usually have a lot of these. I want you to be the first to tell when am having a crapy day and feel like b*tching about it or like now am taking a matatu home and   some passenger was like " shukisha sodi " *laughs*there is no cute way of making a perverted place sound sexy *burst out laughing* Sodi as in Sodom like in the bible *giggles* I hope it's not what am thinking. By now am hoping you are my number one fan and hate it when I don't blog. I pray you get my sense of humor and that your friends assuming you have already told them about me think you are mad for liking someone you have never met perhaps. 

I just want you to hurry and claim me.i will tell you what am afraid of though, that these men pursuing me one day I will grow weary of letting them down and that I will eventually give in. You are taking too damn long. Wherever you are get your ašš home to me *smile* babygal is human, straight and has needs *blushes*. Perhaps you are in the club watching women twerking well I can twerk * falls down laughing* or working late in the office if that's the case I hope this keeps you entertained. Maybe you are in a relationship with a lady who is treating you like you were her last option well let her know there is about to be a new sheriff in town who will lets just say I will show you * wink*. Wherever you are you son of a woman, know a heart somewhere tonight is struggling because it beats for you and eyes that are tired of looking at other men but rather want to be lost in yours. 

I would go on but am going home to a cold bed so no need to torture myself . I miss you and until the day we will meet I will keep writing hoping you get my love letter(s). I have so much to tell you and by now I know you are a smart man, you have figured it out. Good God I miss you. Oh well I will survive considering this girl is on fire *laughing sheepishly * am done. Goodnight my calm heartbeat. Until then I will do my best to make you proud of me.

And that is my love letter #RealityCheck 

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