Thursday 2 July 2015


Let it be known that I have nothing against office affairs but the thought of using someone else to get ahead to me deserves the shaming list. You couldn't keep it inbetween your legs so don't expect the rest of us to keep it inbetween our cheekbones. Two reasons why everyone would know you are earning more than your salary would be one, you wanted them to know. You are as lame as the person you are having the affair with to try and mark your territory. What part of being the breakfast , lunch, five o'clock and inbetween don't you get? Everyone is busy .... Busy updating each other about the two of you on hangout. People are exchange information and predicting on how soon your little affair will blow over. 

The other reason is your body language says it all. If I ever come across a man worth the trouble best believe I always put my happiness first. I will have the affair and not even think twice. Like I said if he is worth the consequences. I wouldn't want him to be my colleuge though. That would be awkward having to face my past office hours. Tempting but I am a little hesitant on it. 

I like my business private and straight to the point. Set everything on the table. If we both just want to have a little fan then let's do exactly that. Let's not complicate things by and in most cases we ladies end up having more feelings for the man and expecting more. The more reason I avoid affairs. I don't want to be the fool in the man's mind game. 

So what happens when things go way out of hand? Someone is bound to be fired. You find in most cases the lady will start acting up mixing her emotions with business. Unlike men, we are yet to master the art of faking or in English the art of acting as though it doesn't bother us. Watching people having affairs is fun. It's like a telemundo though in their case there is no happily ever after. Anything based on lies ends up not only hurting both parties but the outcome is ugly. No one wants to work with a bitter human.

If you can't handle the heat then don't start a fire. Putting it out is not the problem but rather controlling it becomes the challenge. So am I still going to have an office affair? I believe the right question should be ," are the consequences worth the affair?" Think about it.... I know I am. 

And that is my #RealityCheck 

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