Thursday 23 July 2015

Inspired By CNN

There is nothing wrong with airing your views as long as they are proven facts. The power of being misquoted and it's not what I meant when all along you had a choice to be silent. It got me thinking of the many times I have witnessed people make the same mistake thinking they are coming off as Heroes but end up looking like bitter fools. Empty as the very same claims they tried to raise. 

The power of words. They can make or break an entire nation. For now thanks to that one little yet huge slip up it is uniting Kenyans. Now that is a we are one moment. We are all putting our differences aside to address this "terror" issue. In a way in my opinion, it brought back a bullying moment. When someone who has the opportunity to make a difference in the world tries to instill fear just because they assumed we are in Afrrica we pose a threat to other countries. Don't get us wrong we have wild animals in the wild but the rest of us human beings are the opposite ... Calm, Neighbourly and Notable see CNN *giggles* 

Let's all learn from this. Like what ever happened to being innocent until proven guilty? Doing your homework literally? Think before you speak? Perhaps whomever spoke those ill words must have been having a bad day or had a personal issue with a specific individual but to take it out on an entire country and on National Television to me leaves nothing to be desired. 

It's not in my place to judge but learn that given the chance to make a difference internationally I will not allow the immediate go to my head . I will try calm myself down because it's no longer about me but others. Try and leave an impact a positive one in people's lives and not the other way round. People leaving an impact on your life. That is how fast has changes to had. In the heat of a moment learn to pull away and have a self meeting with yourself. 

And that is my #RealityCheck 

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