Tuesday 28 July 2015

What kind of friend are you?

Let's be real as always what kind of friend are you? Are the kind that keeps pushing your friend towards their goals? Are you the lets kick it kind that only shows up whenever free and drinks are used in the same sentence? Are you the kind that watches your friends make mistakes by doing what you are good at ... Being silent. You never air your views just in case you are accused of saying something offensive? Are you the cheerleader that cheers their friends on practically everything? 

Life is too short to be a cheerleader. Wait at your age you own Pom poms? We have a name for you with my kind ... clown! So basically you wake up and you just help others exist by applauding their lifestyle... Beautiful! I mean in a sarcastic way. So am guessing the day your friend kicks the bucket you will either cheer someone else on or start living your life huh! Well we all can't be you. Again that is not a compliment. 

Friends are supposed to grow each other and not sleep with the others boyfriend as someone once primitively pointed out. Wait is that your definition of having a friend where screwing is on the agenda? Damn! I must be old fashioned because to me my bestie is treated like my blood sister after having proven that she is trust worthy. 

Why do I have a feeling someone is dying to know what kind of a friend I am? Before you *girl* me to your 'crew' allow me put your curiosity at ease. I am the kind of friend who tells it like it is. I will also take your dreams and help you try and achieve them the best way I can. I am the kind that helps you bring out the best in you. I am the kind that you can turn to because I not only listen but I will help find a solution. I am the kind that lives her life but always take the time to care about those in my circle. 

I am your number one fan, a clown and everything else *giggles* . I am who you want me to be but at the end of the day am not defined by who people say I am. 

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