Monday 6 July 2015

4pm things

My predictable hot mess. That is the title I have given you in my head. It is always easier to blame it on others than to own up to ones responsibility. I know it takes two but why is it that only one takes the blame for it. In most cases it's always the lady. I don't mind society pointing fingers as a matter of fact if they wouldn't I would be concerned. But when the party involved decides to blame you for their short comings is when things get way out of hand. The only thing left to do is try and fix the mess he leaves behind. 

I am tempted to get even considering am human and blame it on him as well but seeing as I have outgrown the situation I don't mind taking the fall for it. Hey, I took part it's only fair I own up. I guess that is why single mothers most of them anyway  are mad at the man. Not because we were supposed to be in this together but because you behaved like jerk about it. Why is it hard for a man to understand that yes there was a time I really liked you  but now you are just a random dude. Like I don't like you like that. When you do that, it's not cute it's rather annoying. You deserve the best and since am not it, go find it. 

Why are men mad when a lady decides they want nothing to do with them? Sure it was fun but feels more of a game the minute it's over so is everything else.  I could really use a man's opinion on this but until then I will keep writing trying to figure it out along the way. No one deserves to be rejected but I am an honest kind of human being. If I like you then I will show it and if not, I will be clear to stay out  of your way.

Why does everything have to be messy?whatever happened to we can still be friends? Wait weren't we friends to begin with? I don't like hostility. So I always try y best to be in workable conditions with everyone. By workable I mean only if it's work related *giggles*. 

I don't have a problem with you dating other females so why should you be mad  at the fact that am moving on with my life? Wait, you didn't actually mistake me for a ride or die hard chic did you? I am as modern as they come. There is no need for you to push me away just give me a reason to leave and I will. Don't sugar coat it either it is what it is. 

Unlike men, we don't show the rest of the world just how moved on we are, we are sensitive species so I hide the fact that we have also found someone special but this time we are being cautious as not to end up as last time. That's all. 

Why can't we all get along and laugh at how it didn't work out between us? Men, why are you always trying to make us look bad? What are you hoping to achieve? They say women are complicated but I swear as I mature men are just difficult to understand. I am not suggesting we go on double dates am rather asking we respect each other's decision. 

And that is my #RealityCheck 

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