Tuesday 14 July 2015

My 7pm thought

Isn't it funny or sad depending on how you look at it people want promotion without having to go through the process. They only want the title but having to work for it feels like a job. These are the very same people who are always complaining when asked to either report to work early or spare an hour after working hours as per their contracts demanding for an extra pay yet all they ever do really is download movies, stream online and tweet of how they hate their jobs. Which got me thinking of you hate it enough to talk about it why not quit? I term such people as liabilities. 

Anyone who has a bad working relationship to be honest in my opinion in person are toxic even in their personal lives. You have nothing new to offer and yes they are predictable. Nothing you ever do will be good enough to them. Identify and avoid them. They are the very same people who lack self esteem so they seek it out through others on the hope of loving themselves. 

I feel like just by writing this the one for me needs this *laughs*. I got you. It's not how long you live but how well you live. I always say my work is to make someone else life easier by listening to inspirational messages and breaking it down in a way you can use this to get through that phase. 

Most people ignore where they are trying to get to where they are supposed to be.. This came as a surprise to me that your future is somehow in Kin with your past . At times we all find ourselves falling inlove with tomorrow and neglecting today when things don't work out. The secret is in surviving today and using what you learn to live out tomorrow. 

This blew me away that we are attracted to people who have mastered what they do. This answers a lot of questions. So when the one you are with says that you have changed *smiles* ...... you are welcome. There are things that only experience can teach you so don't run a race with horses when you are tired from walking with men. That is deep. A true master only shines when the light is on him. So, what kind of a master are you?

And that is my 7pm #RealityCheck. Have an attractive night checkmates. 

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