Friday 6 March 2015

From my eyes to yours

Someone read my blog and proceeded to tell me that I don't hurt not in my blog anyway.Here I thought I was pouring out my heart and thoughts into this blog and all I get is a wall.Yes I say a wall because according to that individual it appears as though am trying to be someone else.So not true by the way but it is not in my place to convince leave alone explain myself. There are those who hear and those who listen and in this particular persons case they have eyes but not inner eyes.I don't have to write/blog of how am hurting for others or myself to fit in. Rather what I do is use the pain, disappointment and lesson refine all three into a sober selected set of words to describe what I am feeling at that particular moment.I don't have to include,"with tears running down my cheeks'" for you the reader feel or connect with me. I love exaggeration because it spices up a story but cheap drama to get sympathy really that is not my style.I am more in touch with ‪#‎Reality‬ than with my feelings.

I was wisely advised to never reason leave alone argue out any situation with my feelings but rather take a deep breath if possible sleep over it, get my facts right and then deliver a heartfelt case.When people criticize your efforts don't look at it as a minor set back but rather a ‪#‎ChallengeAccepted‬ . If you have never watched ‪#‎HowIMetYourMother‬ you should make it a point this year and understand that if you take life too seriously, you have been missing out on all the action. Barney Stinson sees life in a different perspective and like him I choose to see the good out of every bad situation.
As I close, the challenge was not only accepted but signed, sealed and well delivered.

Yours truly,

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