Friday 6 March 2015


My work is to dig up the dirt and make work easier for my readers. While some of you are sited there secretly and others to some extent judging me out loud, the rest are smiling in realizing that someone somewhere is going out of their way to make life worth it.I should if not could write in a proper ahem I mean intellectual manner but all that drama is not for me.As you sit there and try to figure me out if indeed am real *picks up a mirror* sheer perfection with a sparkle of madness , sarcasm and stubbornness. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am real. As real as they come or can get. And a lady for that matter.

I have a soul mate, I just haven't been privileged enough to meet him in person.It sucks I know. I have been having a pep talk about how I want to be in a relationship 2015 and how I will love him past his pain but the more he is taking his sweet time out there whomever he is, I am running out of patience. I am being real. I feel like settling for the next best thing or you see how you meet up with an old friend and people ridicule you of how you would make a perfect couple and you think to yourself, hey, I don't have to search or wait anymore, he is here....he has always been here.Let's be real, this is not #BaggageClaim2 and that is not my story atleast I hope I have not been that blind/naive.

I am a special kind of lady who is easily inspired but hard to impress. Complicated doesn't even begin to describe me. Sophisticated, yes in some areas but humble.Back to soul mate, yes I was listening to #5 Keys To Identifying Your SoulMate by Touré Roberts and it hit me, I think I met my soul mate already three out of the five keys match up but the other two and reality check are not adding up. It left me soberly confused. Does that make sense? I hear what you are telling me but damn it it is not adding up.Everything else that is missing is not from either party but God. See *here we go with my preaching* everytime God is involved in any situation, you never have the final say.You might even die trying to figure it out.

I am a lady and I heard only that which I wanted to hear so I don't know if I have all five or remixed them abit to fit my situation.This is what I got

a)If it is a soul mate you can let go
I was like pastor with all due respect but are you mad?Let who go?Are you kidding me. I have had to wait all my life for this man to find me and now that he has you are asking me to do what now? Son,I believe you  meant to say that I should keep him close with prayers and love.Now that makes perfect sense.When I got home I was still mad at the pastor and even started to question if this was a man of God or the devil playing mind tricks on me.The devil is a liar. No, am not allowing that beautiful go.When I finally calmed myself down I realized that he was right. If I did not trick him into being in my life in the first place why wouldn't I allow him leave the same way he came in. See that is the difference between selfless love and selfish love. The former sets the person free with no ill intentions while the latter holds on to the person with the mindset of am the best choice for you.

b)You don't seek them out, God presents them to you when you are ready.
Personally I have been a victim of wanting to present myself.You find someone you like and dropping hints like am free or flexible you know helping them out in their decision but I have come to embrace that if he wants me, he will find me and no I will not make it easier for him to know that am interested.By doing this I trying to show God that I was ready but deep down even I knew I wasn't for the long commitment.When you are busy wrapped up with other things other than love, that's when it comes looking for you.

c)Divine confirmation
When you are with the right person it feels as though they bring about your sense of purpose.
A revelation leads you. That is how you find yourself in an I can't explain situation.

d)Power and blessing of a soulmate
If all that man/lady does is drain the finances, mental, physical and psychological part of you,after reading the entire blog,don't stop here go get rid of that parasite.Parasitism is a non-mutual symbiotic relationship between species, where one species, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the other, the host.Best believe I went there *laughs*

I don't recall the last key or if the above are keys or just my highlighted points to live by.You can't blame a sister for trying.
Another thing the pastor emphasized was that you need to be whole.Don't settle for someone who has this , you complete me mentality. They have to be complete on their own first to avoid codependency.This is where I get to squeeze in the bring your fifty and I bring my fifty.Ladies, I know most of you have a problem with this but if you want a realistic relationship you need to be real and face reality head on.

That sums up what I gathered as far as soul mate goes.I will let you know how mine unveils in due time but in the meantime, I am working on myself and this blog one inspiration at a time.

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