Monday 16 March 2015

Simply Because

What do you do when uncertainty kicks in?The way I see it, you have multiple choices but considering that would be too much work I choose to allow the uncertainty clear itself all on its own.Meanwhile I will keep doing what I am good at if not better.Like any director knows,the show must go on.What do you know about taking risks?Personally, I did a research like I dug deep into the one thing I could do that normal I couldn't and it turns out it is actually pretty good on the other side.On the other side of my fears that is.

Where there is a will there is always a way.When you want it bad enough and never give up somehow it all comes together.Understand this as much as we all agree that without the resources it is not achievable but the minute you go the extra mile to be at a particular place you somehow push yourself beyond the comfort zone and you end up gaining more than you had bargained.So while you are busy talking yourself out of life,"no this is not for me" time and life are walking right past you.

The disabled people begging for change on the streets understand what am 'talking about'. They have had enough of the pity party talks in their heads and from everyone else until they decided to take a leap of faith.As much as the odds were against them still they went ahead and left their place of comfort to be out there vulnerable and without a blink of shame they took it upon themselves to earn.I admire their courage.See,the ones who have it going on are always the ones playing it safe.

The beautiful ladies in most cases are the ones who always insecure over petty allow say petty because everything else is already in place.If only I had a bigger behind.Trust you me, the minute you do initially 'get' that enhancement or weight it wont change your thinking.The problem to begin with is not your body but your mind.The way you view and criticize yourself determines how far you will get in life."Bad girls always get the dream man" simply because they are courageous enough to put themselves out there.In short, they have nothing to loose.

God created Eve while Adam was asleep.Creation time is over why are you still asleep in your own life.If sleeping is your defense mechanism as to why life has not be looking up, kindly purchase an extra blanket and allow life tuck you in but if you are down being a fan and you want a piece of the championship, get up and get going.

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