Monday 9 March 2015

Oh Monday *tears*

What in the world did I ever do to Monday for it to be so irritatingly hot this early and I already know what to expect.This is not going to be a long day rather just end already.To me, Monday feels like the day after a break up.You are just mad at yourself for expecting so much and for giving so much and not getting the same in return. The world seems cold at that particular point. Everywhere you go people stop and stare as if their agenda of the day is be annoying.When you walk past them you can swear that you hear their conversations behind your back about you which is not that unusual but the tone they use leaves you second guessing if you are a good person in the first place.

Secretly though, I enjoy watching people be their true selves on Monday. Right before the caffeine kicks in. I feel sick.I have tricked my mind into believing that I can't function like the usual high on life me so right about now my entire body is not only tired but heavy.I can't handle the weight. Do you see how powerful the mind is?Well on behalf of single people please allow me crown myself the ultimate Bachelorette. The day after a break up is the worst experience any human being can ever go through.This is when all hell breaks loose and the devil feels the competition. The only thing that lingers in mind is I have nothing to loose so I am willing to do anything and everything to take the pain away.

The weekend led you on making you commit fully yet it knew it was short lived. It feels as though it is judgement day,a this is it moment, do or die. Then in comes the madness that people bring along with them.Everyone is looking for a way out yet not willing to own their share of the responsibility. How do you balance it all? You don't you just play your part and hope the rest will unfold on its own.
You take any positive or good thing you can and use that to change the situation around.You change your mindset as well. If you believe you will have a bad day, don't be surprised if everything comes crumbling down.In any situation learn to be calm.

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