Friday 6 March 2015

Funny Friday

While I have been privileged to be driven home "matatu" , I couldn't help but be lost in the beauty of Nairobi at night. Then I spotted this blue Subaru but what intrigued me were the passengers . This legible bachelor in his late twenties or early thirties I couldn't tell well for today was rather a long day and his girlfriend or    what if whom he was clearly trying to please with his driving skills.

The faster the matatu went the slower the couple drove. Either the car was new or like I had earlier suspected he was trying to impress miss fine thing who sat there not was though she owned the car but as though she was cautious. There are two types of passengers as far as we ladies go, the type that rolls down the windows and wonders what in the world she is doing there while putting on a this is my mans car attitude *trust me they are not hard to miss* and the kind that didn't want a lift but since it seemed economical I will take you up on that but get this nothing is going down who for some reason sit as though they are taking a lying detecting test. 

I couldn't help but smile because deep down I knew what the man was thinking. Chances are if he is in a serious relationship with another he was probably buying time while still confirming with his friend of his place was available to do the dirty act or if he is single which I doubt but will give him the benefit of a doubt he wants to seal the deal but doesn't know if it's too soon to ask for it. 

Why would anyone driving a fast car slow down? Here I am working on getting myself one not only to speed on the highway but initially race. The sacrifices men make to impress us I tell you we never notice them until we are on the other side watching. Personally this goes out to my future husband please just be yourself. If speed is your thing, impress me by doing you. 

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