Wednesday 25 March 2015

Thanks to "shades" this is my Grey #RealityCheck

If we are being real, when you meet that someone you consider special, that someone only you can see while everyone else ignores.When I say meet ladies ladies I mean when you finally open your eyes and allow your gut feeling see him like see him see him for the very first time and you can already hear the younger, vulnerable small body in him asking ,"where have you been all my life?" when you finally let your guard down and whisper back with a shy yet reassuring voice,"Waiting.....I have been waiting ready to be found by a man like you" and he gives you the usual talk like men must be throwing themselves at you and you think to yourself no they haven't but in actual reality they have been, remember the guy you asked you out for coffee, the guy who is always laughing at your jokes hoping you will finally see that the joke has been on you and that he has been there....See in actual sense men have asked you out, men you never gave a second thought to but none like this mysterious man standing right infront of you with his suit revealing his masculine body tailored to fit every inch of his gorgeous sorry I had to stop myself....Gentlemen understand this when we fall for you like when a lady falls for all of you especially the real you, you are no longer good looking or handsome but us you become the unexplored and undiscovered treasure and that is why when you walk into a room we are in, personally my eyes dance, my skin glows, I can't hide the smile on my face which is a clear indication that am pleased to see you,I want to hug you and not the Christian way where my back is way back there and my front can hardly touch your chest....I want to feel your heart beat....get lost in your arms holding on to you as if am clinging to dear life.

Gorgeous and sexy are words used to describe the man we ladies want by our side.That beautiful man wherever he is. He can never do wrong by us.Even if he messes us he still comes out a hero and the he got it kind of man.You have earned our loyalty although we will never show it.You have earned our trust even though we will never agree and in most cases will laugh off anything you ever tell us. Such men are the composed type who are real gentlemen in public but in private, am sorry ladies that is something you will have to unveil on your own.My lips are sealed......for now anyway.Such men are powerful and successful but none of that matters when we finally see past their generosity. They can be intimating and high maintenance but we all and I mean all have weaknesses so the minute you find it, use it to your advantage.That is a master key but even keys can unlock a room full of demons if not skeletons so be wise.

This goes out to all the men out there that I have described, it has never and will never be about your hard earned money.We appreciate that you have made a name for yourself and earned your mark if not respect in society but the reason I chose to take a risk on you was simply because of the way you saw me.You took the time to look and see past my insecurities, you saw the smile behind the frown and saw a better version of me.Gentlemen, you make us fall for you.When a man asks a lady ,"tell me about yourself?" and some of us who have amazing personalities but never show and always tend to be the ones behind the scene have the same obvious answers ,"what's there to tell, I mean look at me?" When a man stops and stares after that and says ,"I am looking at you" that changes everything .It awakens a side of us we never even knew existed before. It is not that we are not confident but when a man who has had the chance to work with all sorts of females and still manages to utter such beautiful words, time stands still.You know it is true.
With such men,you don’t search they come looking for you when you least expect to bump into such a man who eventually leave you feeling like dear God, what is happening to me, my life and why is this man still here?When you find yourself liking a man you never would have given a second thought about, that is how beautiful love got you.It got you good!

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