Thursday 19 March 2015

Taking This Opportunity To Say Thank You

See viewers like you make me feel guilty everytime I stop blogging.Stop it!So this blog today is all about you ridiculously awesome checkmates. You give me a reality check.That I have to finish what I began although at times I have to admit I am halfway through the let me out lane.Whomever said quitting is not an option must have been high on some expensive substance but unlike he or she I choose to stay.I believe it takes a mad human being to get the job done.Normalcy will just slow you down to be brutally honest.

So what do you do when your prayers are answered?Obviously like any other human being we all want the next agenda solved as well.This morning I feel challenged by the story of the ten leapers. Only one went back to say thank you.You hypocrite some of you may be pointing out as I write and you read on but unlike you, I am never ashamed of being a believer. Best believe if I feel the need to protect myself nothing and I mean nothing is ever out of the question.You will acknowledge my presence if not feel my wrath. See women we are fragile creatures and forgiving but when you cross that enough is enough somebody has got to put you in your place boundary, all hell always breaks loose.

I am taking this opportunity to say thank you.To those of you who know or think they know me, well I can't blame you for trying.For those of you who don't, it will be a great honor to get to so hang in there.I am thankful first and foremost to the Almighty God for allowing me start this blog and allowing each passing day inspire me to be better.I would like to thank my dysfunctional family and to those of you without such a crazy family,you are missing out big time.I want to thank my bestfriend who has proven to be a sister.I celebrate you babygal. I am thankful for love for without it I would probably be beating myself down in a dark corner.I am thankful for all those who left my life. You taught me a valuable lesson. Just because we grew up together doesn't mean we have the same dreams.Not everyone is meant to be in your life leave alone success.You are part of the story though.I am thankful for the disappointments I have had to encounter both in my love life and finances. I had to lack for me to want more.I had to be with a bad man for me to appreciate a good one.

I am thankful for you who always takes his or her time to go through this unusual blog.Correct me if am wrong but isn't this what life is all about?At times you just want a word to get you through the day, a song to ease the pain and sometimes someone who has been there?I am tempted to say am all that and more but I would be lying because the truth is, you never know what to expect from me, you just have to let me surprise you.One thing you can be sure of though is unless you give me a reason to not trust, I am always loyal to those I consider phenomenal.Why them, because it takes one to know one.

Thank you darlings!

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