Sunday 9 August 2015

My 10pm

I have no idea what I want to blog about. What's on my mind? A lot to be honest so much that even words feel as though they are too much to explain it all. There comes a time where you have to stand up. It might not be much but taking the first step to working towards what you want is more than enough. 

Young love is beautiful. It's inspirational. At times it never works out other times it unfolds magic. If you have never experienced it before don't beat yourself down. When it happens it will happen. Sometimes loosing is the best thing that can happen to you. It grows you. It challenges you. It makes you uncomfortable enough to want better if not more. 

So I don't know about you reading this but I plan on putting my faith to test. Not just speaking positivity into mylife but believing in myself a lot more. 

And that is my late #RealityCheck 

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