Thursday 24 September 2020

I couldn't hold back the tears

Dear soulmate,
Today is not one of those days I write to you of how I miss or can’t wait for us. There is something you need to know about me. Before you walk in my life aware that it’s me you are choosing above everyone else, I need you to read this. It’s okay for me to cry.

Today was a hard day at work. God has been gracious through out this pandemic. It’s not business am worried about. It’s the people I care about. I know God knows how to take care of His own and I say it all the time but sometimes I worry about them.

I tend to worry more for them than I do over myself. Baibèé I am a warrior. As my bestfriend tells me, I always find a way to pick myself up and fight some more. Today somehow I lost that strength. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t hold back the tears.

I know so much more awaits and that is what broke my heart on their behalf. I locked myself in the washroom and I had my moment with God. So I wept and let it all out. I wasn’t talking to my friend, I was pouring out my frustrations and moments of weakness to God my father.

Sometimes you have to do what you must do to get to the other side. I wanted God. I needed God more today than I did yesterday. As I write this, I feel my strength has been renewed because I believe all things work for my good and those who not only love but seek God.

There are days I will look at you and lock myself in the washroom praying on your behalf because I will want greatness more for you than you will want it for yourself. Out of all the cute nicknames you will have for me I hope Blessed and warrior are your two favorite things about me. It’s okay to cry. That doesn’t make me a little bitch or weak. It makes me human. It means it means I care so much more that what meets the naked eyes. 

I just thought I would share #MyMagazineThoughts . 

Until we meet,

Yours faithfully, 

Tuesday 22 September 2020

It exists

There is nothing wrong with hooking up with someone who is physically attractive. Am past that. I know there are still so many men out there when they humble themselves before God, hell trembles. Men who love God but you wouldn’t tell as some of them don’t even look the part.

There is just something powerful about a God fearing man. It doesn’t have to be that deep where you speak in tongues but that #FatherSon connection makes a difference. See you don’t even look, speak or walk the same. You have that heavenly vibe to you. Ladies, think about it.

I know am confusing people right now. Seriously what does Njeri want? I don’t want it all. Because I might lose the most valuable of them all. But what I want the most, has to be it all. That godly love tends to withstand the test of time. I was brought up with it. It exists.

I don’t want what my parents have, I want what God has for me. At this day and time are there legible men who bow their heads and pray? Pray as in prayer not prey as in player? See what I did there *laughing mischievously*. Sometimes I wonder. I am hopeful all the same.

God has his ways. He always does. He knows, He sees and He provides. I used to view life from a all is not lost perspective. Now I view life differently. God hasn’t even began His magic yet. This is His introduction. Much more awaits ahead and not behind #MyMagazineThoughts

Saturday 19 September 2020

More baggages

You can’t fake fate. I believe fate is God given. How do you fake something that can only be offered by God. Where would you even begin with all due respect? I believe in living in my truth. Especially if it’s something am passionate about, I will catch you in your lies.

When you fake interest that’s where I draw the line. Are you that uninteresting that you have to pretend to be someone you are not? So when are you planning to ever be yourself? The lack of consistency in the pretense throws me off. Where is the juice? That’s it?

Some people had mental and psychological issues way before the pandemic and as a result with everything else going on in the world and their world it has gotten worse. It’s so much deeper and bigger than what meets the eyes. It’s a serious issue that needs to be tackled gently. We all look well put together from the outside yet most are empty. Two broken people can’t fix each other. Listen, you are both expecting each other to heal because you have “something in common” which in this case is being hurt. Until history repeats itself. More baggages.

When was the last time you were honest with even if not someone else, yourself? When was the last time you genuinely enjoyed your own company. What do you like about yourself something no one you have ever slept with has ever said? What do your friends like about you? What do people say they like about you? Is it in line with what you tell yourself? Do you even like yourself? Why do you always do that to yourself? Why do you even allow that whatever that is? If you woke up as a random citizen, would their opinion of you change? Do you even like the people in your life to begin with? What do you like about them? If they stopped being themselves would you still stick around? If you took the time to understand who you truly are on your own, as slow as life seems, things would align themselves somehow.

I have come to realize this, people don’t want somehow, they want to belong if not somewhere or anywhere, everywhere will do. You can’t be everywhere with everyone. That’s why you are getting shallow to baseless answers.

 Me: What do you like about me? 
Him: Everything 
Me: What do you mean? 
Him: I can be anything you want me to be.... I like you, I really like you. 
Me: What do you like about me? 
Him: Wow, everything.

That’s a pretentious person right there. That’s a toxic conversation. People would rather hide their pain than be honest. The few who have mastered reverse psychology use their pain to bait unknowing victims.

No one is perfect but I admire people who have accepted their past. People who don’t allow the pain and hurt hinder them from moving on. With that comes communication. I thought technology was supposed to improve communication but it’s not. People are using it to escape reality.

And so when you meet me, the first question I will ask is this,”Who hurt you. What’s your story?” Anyone can handle your good side. I want the side that you think doesn’t deserve an audience. Understand that your “hurt”  is your biggest strength in disguise #MyMagazineThoughts

Thursday 17 September 2020

I will come as I am

Dear soulmate. I am sure what God has for us is quite the adventure of a lifetime. Let’s be realistic. You will have your past and so will I. I am sure there are ladies you fell inlove with and was sure you would spend the rest of your lives together. That had to happen.

Am sure part of you still feels like someone got away. Maybe if you fought enough or did a little more, things would have turned out different. She would still be here. I am sure you have had regrets and sometimes replay the situation differently in you mind. 

What if?

What if they stayed? Where would the two of you be now? What if you overcame your insecurities and asked her to marry you, perhaps she would make you the happiest man alive. What if she had your babies? That would have sealed your union till death. Men, what if? ..... RIGHT!?

What if? 

What if you gave your all? What if there was nothing else left to do or say? What if she was the one to teach you how to open up even though she left you hurt? What if she is the reason you have waited for so long? What if that was meant to lead you here? What if you are to blame for having too many expectations on someone who only loved you. What if there is no what if? What if you are really mad at yourself for wanting it to work when all you had to do was walk away? What if you are too scared to try again? What if you want to be wanted?

What if? 

What if secretly you are ashamed it never worked out and feel like it never will with anyone else? What if you are too needy and in a world where men don’t show emotions you are scared of being rejected and branded as weak?

I am sure there are ladies who have done right by you and some who have betrayed your trust. I am not coming into your life to erase those beautiful memories. I am not here to compete by trying to set higher standards. I will come as I am.

There are times you will fall hopelessly inlove with me and there are times you have no choice but to fall hopelessly inlove with me. I know you already have a bestfriend so we will create a special position for me. I already have one for you. I already have a bestfriend as well.

I thought of someone from my past and his memory made me smile. That’s how I knew it could only work with you and no other man. I miss you. Another man made it easier for me to accept and receive all the love you have to offer me. #MyMagazineThoughts are on my soulmate only

Tuesday 15 September 2020

If they only knew .......

#Truthsday being with a gentleman I really like and wishing I wasn’t celibate. I would have rocked your world. Everyone in your life would hate me right now. I am not hypocritical that’s why am sharing my truth. I am purposefully celibate because I know what am capable of. 

It’s not easy. Being celibate is the hardest decision I have ever made in my entire life. Especially when God sends attractive gentlemen my way. Seriously God? It doesn’t help the fact that am extremely imaginative and a certified day dreamer. If all I do is smile alone AM SORRY!

Before, my biggest fear was if I don’t give it up, he might leave. Now, that is my greatest strength. Knowing I am celibate. It has helped me focus on myself enough to walk away from gentlemen who only have selfish needs towards me. Am flattered but no thank you. I want different. From how do you walk away from all that to I am actually walking away from all that, and I am okay with that. Not because it’s not what I want but I would rather lose you than lose myself in trying to please you. I am so worth the wait. If they only knew ..........

No one wants to be vulnerable enough to be honest. Listen Romeo, before you, someone else fucked up!!! We both did. I thought he was special only he wasn’t and I made the decision to not make that mistake ever again. It took a while to get over him. Then I started dating myself.

I still stayed open minded to meeting an amazing man and when that didn’t happen, I realized I actually enjoy my own company. The more I discovered myself the more aware and protective of my heart and body I got. See, I already have this system where, the only man in my life is God. My father and brothers already have their lives figured out although they are great supporters. Somehow I have managed. I don’t know you. I would hate to say this but I HAVE BEEN HERE BEFORE. I have seen it play out. That’s what my mind is telling me. You scare me.

I thought I was doing okay on my own until I started feeling this sudden urge to NEED you. Unlike the past experiences, I have never needed anyone before. Since it’s strange, am allowing myself to ignore the feeling and you, hoping you and it will go away.

I was just getting comfortable. I was hoping for different. I was praying for different and when it never showed up, I assumed I had unrealistic expectations. I can’t recognize you as I have never had different before. That’s my TRUTH. These are #MyMagazineThoughts on celibacy

Sunday 13 September 2020

Who is this man?

 I view the world differently. I like surrounding myself with things not people things that look impossible to achieve especially considering everything I have gone through. Realistically speaking I can’t afford that right now and even if I could mysteriously it wouldn’t make me happy. I love luxury cars. Growing up with my brothers I didn’t play with dolls we built cars. If we did that with just cartons and bottle tops what if I worked hard and God decided to multiple my blessings and I could design a real car. That would be epic. That’s the ambitious side of me. 

Then there is the hopeful side. Cars are a brilliant idea but knowing myself that would be too easy as it’s not what my heart truly desires. I want something specially designed in Heaven. Not something but someone. I seek true love.

 I love myself enough to spend the rest of my life alone but the fact that I know my soulmate is out there wont let me settle in peace. The fact that he exists bothers me. I want God to take me on a personal journey and for both us to observe you from afar. The one thing I miss the most about him is his face. How does he look like? I want to be there and for him to not recognize me. I don’t even want a relationship yet, just to see who God has a mind when He formed me in my mother’s womb. 

Who is this man?

Even if you drove past me in my now to own car, I wouldn’t notice leave alone be bothered. Am about things that are not tangible. When it comes to trends am out. Am like an old fashioned man whose only concern is his land and his family. Do what makes you happy.

That’s why it’s so easy for me to walk away from things and people who no longer have that fight in them anymore. Comfortable people concern me so much so I never want to be around them. Am constantly dreaming thus always changing.

I have never been attracted to anyone based on their success and achievements. It’s your story which got my attention. Am into faces. I wouldn’t know if you were dressed or not. Your eyes are the windows to your soul. It’s what I will pick up when I draw my attention to them that will determine if I will stay or walk away. If I can’t offer my help or support I will respectfully leave. If there is something to offer, I will stay for a while then leave. Forgive me if I don’t come off as aggressively ambitious as everyone else. I am sorry for that.

I am not sorry however that whatever I have to offer is priceless. Love conquers all. Love wins. It’s not much to most but to me, it’s EVERYTHING. The kind of love I have to offer is different. It will break everything in you yet uncover something in you. It will be uncomfortable.

I am sure you have loved and lost and loved some more to a point right now you are just winging it. In loving you, I will teach you how to love yourself but most importantly how to love God more by putting him first in your life. That way even with me gone, you will always win. Those are my #MyMagazineThoughts 

Saturday 12 September 2020

How to handle it all

I feel a #SundaySermon storming up inside me. That’s how God does it. One day in advance. When God is done with me, the things that used to upset me sending me to a corner to cry are the very same things that will bring out the David in me. Am making my way towards a but this time am not going to cry, am going to talk to God. I need to know He is with me. I need to be sure He is the one speaking and not fear. I need him to go before me. I am on my knees as a sign of humility because they who kneel before God can stand before anyone. And as soon as I say Amen and open my eyes, it will have happened all too fast I have to slow it down for you to understand. I have been in corners for so long, I know where the stones are even with my eyes shut.

In humbling myself, God will hasten my legs and by the time I am on my feet, am already in a battle zone. Well equipped. Let’s go back to David. The best of the best and am not referring to the action movie here, came to fight Goliath.

When they were done going through all the available options, here comes David. He was a shepherd. That’s all they saw. I recognize David as a trained soldier. You just don’t wake up as King, you are trained and prepared to be one. If you can be entrusted with little, you can be entrusted with much. From herding sheep to later ruling the people. Greatness comes with work. It doesn’t start at the top, it starts from the bottom. Read the Bible and see how God used to do it. How He still does it.

Some of you are in training what looks like of all the blessings God has in heaven, He gave you “the worst job ever”. If Jesus the son of God spoke in parables what of God? He is a master of plot twists in my humble opinion.

When it’s you time, that training has not been in vain. We don’t serve a God who tease, He delivers. The way you look has nothing to do with where you are headed next. It’s what’s in you that is required and will qualify you to being set apart. No one can ape your capabilities 🔥

They may look a certain way. Good for them.They know people on the inside. Wonderful. They have been there for years. Beautiful. Can we now get to the plot twist. The highlight of it all. They are not the people for the job. Njeri, Me? Yes you. There is no BUT here. You are what they have been waiting on and they didn’t know it until Goliath showed up. God will not reveal you until what He has prepared you for is ready. You will not be humiliated or have to wait because God will keep you busy in the training stage. How to handle it all.

Why are you angry when you should be giving thanks. It’s not in your place to tell God when you are ready, for He already knows. If it’s taking way too long it means Goliath is bigger but the leadership or reward is the biggest out of all this mysterious puzzle.

Rejoice and again I say REJOICE 🔥🔥🔥. This will mark the rest of your life. You are not forgotten, you are the element of surprise. You are that special. He can’t go flashing you out just anywhere. You are the man/ lady for the job. You are David #SundaySermon

Friday 11 September 2020

I am Ruth

When I lost those friendships back then, I was scared. They would obviously have on thing in common which was they no longer liked me. That didn’t hurt me. Are you kidding me ? That broke me. Having people who knew you turn their back on you is like walking into a battle field with nothing to protect yourself with and outnumbered. God how did you do that? When you learn to accept the harsh reality, you automatically become cautious of everyone around you. Just like that I became my own soldier.

I have my weak moments but that only happens when I love. I have given love a try or two or whatever. This date a broke guy grow together, get with an ambitious gentleman he will invest in you madness, yes I have tried and failed miserably. People are out here only for themselves. I avoid drama and where I can I walk away and where I can’t I block it out. LITERALLY!!! So now what am teaching myself of late is this. To not and avoid saying am already used to it. In a way am hindering myself by uttering and projecting the past results.

If am not good at borrowing what makes you assume I will even attempt to beg for something or someone to stay in my life. If anything I will be the first to encourage you to leave. Please let me hold the door for you and kindly don’t ever look back. There is so much more outside. That’s neither fear nor arrogance. It’s knowing I no longer have it in me to entertain and tolerate people or things that don’t grow and push me to grow. That’s why my bestfriend is my best friend. We don’t share the same dreams but we bring out the best in each other as friends. As for my soulmate I remember praying and dedicating that son of a woman wherever he is that if he doesn’t understand and see Gods purpose in my life, don’t let him near me. Erase him from my mind and teach my heart to not love him.

I joke around about alot of things but when it comes to God, I don’t even hesitate. Am a fool for God. It doesn’t have to make sense as long as it’s God ordering it. I will show up. I will deliver. If  God sends me your way, clearly you will learn the hard way. I am Ruth.

There is a reason why my parents named me Ruth. I don’t use my first name because it’s who I am and not just anyone is worthy of my undivided devotion and commitment. For me to do all that you are either a Naomi or Boaz. I must discern your spirit. I have nothing to offer you in the flesh. But as along as when I kneel and call upon the name of God, baibèé I have everything to offer you. I would rather lose the love of my life than who I am in God. No hard feelings but let me walk you out. Bye

I blog because it’s one of Gods gift to me. You don’t need an army by your side to feel safe, secure and loved. You just need to get your relationship with God right and forgive yourself. Learn to love yourself. Accept your shortcomings. Be a decent human being. God will bring everyone who is meant to be in your life stay & newness will blossom. Let them leave. Stop clinging to closed doors. You are amazing to look at and be around if only you paid attention to yourself long enough to realize that. In everything give thanks to God #MyMagazineThoughts

Wednesday 9 September 2020

you are what I want

Tonight is one of those nights where I am not going to share poetry as I am awfully generous 😉. I was hoping if I could possibly borrow you for the night. Just for a few hours. You can bring the warmth of your heart and I will allow the sparkle in my eyes to set the mood.

I see that has your attention. Good. I can work with that. Am starting to feel cold and get chills. I wonder why? That’s right, you haven’t closed the distance between us. So am going to need you to draw me in closer to you. As you do that, am slowly starting to feel silly.

What I should have said is now am starting to feel vulnerably shy. Am excited, anxious, scared, confused yet with all these mixed emotions I am still standing inches from you. I want to run away but I can’t. It’s not what I want anyway. This is what I want. You are what I want.

But I can’t tell you. Not just yet. So as I hold your hands and I look deep into those mysterious breathtaking eyes, I stop and let out a long sigh. Then I smile and quickly look away. You just stand there. With a gentle squeeze you allow me to just be lost in my own silence then in almost a whisper I begin opening up. Who you are, what people see and what they say. None of that matters because there is who you are to me, what I see and what am about to start saying for not just tonight, but endless nights to come if God grants us more ahead together.

I always keep my word. I asked to borrow your heart for a few hours and I intend to let you go. I just didn’t want this night to end without reminding your heart how important it is to not only you but to me as well as it’s part of #MyMgazineThoughts . How is that for poetry 💜💜

Friday 4 September 2020

please don't fall for me

I always trust my gut feeling. If I don’t like you, nothing you ever do or accomplish will ever change my mind. Earning my respect is more valuable than acquiring any material possessions. Am built differently ask anyone who knows me. Impressing me is a job. Many have failed at.

How do you impress me? It’s so easy. Be yourself. If you are bad, come fucked up. I have a soft spot for people who are messed up coz secretly I think am the same in some ways. If you are nice stay true to yourself. Two faced people annoy me. They lack consistency.

I don’t know how to be cute. I wouldn’t know where to start. Am naturally sexy and in charge. It’s in my DNA. My mum is tough while my dad is charismatic. Life is full of choices. I know when to use either, neither and both. Then ofcourse I have my own God given gifts as well.

If I come off difficult, Njeri is not for you. If I come off too easy, again, am not for you. I always speak my mind which has landed me in trouble seeing as I only have one true friend. I embrace the truth. I don’t know how to lie. That sounds like a job on its own.

Pretentious people in my humble opinion are worse than murders. I used to be in girl groups before and was tiring. The lies, unnecessary drama. I have witnessed the shallow shows, make believe. You hear of what ladies do from men and my mind is blown. Sometimes I feel like a man.

What makes me beautiful is my story. What will make you stand out to me is your story. This is real life and not social media where I will offer you free emojis. I don’t offer such services here. When you are wrong, I will not agree with you to stroke your ego, I will be honest.

If I like you, I genuinely will show you and if I don’t, we all can’t be popular now can we? Fuck am not. Welcome to my life. In the words of Kendrick Sit down! Be humble. Such is life sweetheart. Familiarize yourself with the system. Know your place.

Am rare baibèé. You will never find another Njeri like me out there. God took His time with me. Not to brag but am special. Even the compliments I get are different. You’re a bitch, you’re not okay in the head. See, SPECIAL. That’s from people who don’t know me. Thank you all

At first when you meet in person you will be shocked. The magic is in my mouth *stops and stares at the imaginary perverts reading this* BEHAVE YOURSELVES. The first time I speak you will be shocked. I speak my mind with no filter. The second time, you will be torn. You will slowly start to expect the same reaction. Oh I never disappoint. The second remark is always worse than the first. The third one will get you smiling. Am my father’s daughter remember. I am very charismatic. You will start liking me. You will be sold on my bullshit. I am my mother’s daughter. I come off tough and uninterested until you get used to me and finally realize am actually charming. PLEASE DONT FALL FOR ME. Don’t be greedy either. You can’t have me all to yourself. Don’t get attached. That’s where most men have gone wrong.

Every man has something to offer each lady. I have so much to offer so I always walk away if you have less to match what am already offering. What am I supposed to do if you can’t even turn me on? Am yet to meet a man who meets my needs. You are not the problem, I am. I want MORE.....

My purpose in life is not to change anyone. If you are not happy with yourself no one can make you happy. I am honest with myself to stay and be alone until I meet the man / my soulmate who makes me as happy as I make myself #MyMagazineThoughts

dont set yourself up for failure

#Freeday I wish people knew this. Don’t ever play games with people who have been hurt because it makes it so much easier for them to walk away. It brings back a familiar disappointment. Sometimes, the wrong action can lead to the wrong reaction. Don’t set yourself up for failure.

You still wonder why people are always leaving. No one wants to be put on the spot. Everyone is too afraid of you to even bring it up. They become scared of you. Not me though. Am brave enough to tell you the truth then distance myself from a meaningless investment. You walk around broken and way guarded as if someone wants something from you. Such people amaze me. Am a giver not a taker. Sometimes life knocks you out so many times you assume everyone is out to get you. Get what exactly? Learn to relax. Calm down.

I prayed and still pray for God to open my eyes. I want to see and not overlook my blessings because sometimes they are disguised as something completely different. Stay open minded. Accept what is for me and walk away from what isn’t. But not dwell. No sir, life has to go on. My bestfriend thinks mind games are hot. I think mind games are childish. A complete waste of time. Go work on yourself but don’t be selfish enough to assume I will put my life on hold to wait. If am ready, my soulmate is equally ready.

In playing mind games aren’t you pushing someone away? Aren’t you giving them reasons to replace or notice someone else who is actually forthcoming with them? Why are we mad when we get what we want? Don’t gamble with peoples emotions.

What if one day your child will come home crying. Before consoling them, am sure you would think of ways to get even with the culprit behind it. Only for them to tell you someone is misleading them. Wouldn’t that break your heart? You are someone’s child. Life has already tested you enough times. This Godly gift that is free comes with its ups and downs. I want to play mind games with you first then hopefully if am convinced that I like what I see, I might think of pursuing you. MAYBE!!! No promises. Isn’t that utter rubbish? That’s the way I see it. You want to juggle as you keep other options open and entertaining. That’s immaturity. Such people have no place in my life. I value God, honesty and loyalty in that order. No one should ever tolerate such antics.

There is something someone told me today. You are bold. I happily agreed with a smile on my face. I will tell you what I told him. I am bold because I have no room for fear in my life. I know whose I am. I only fear God. That’s where I draw my strength to #MyMagazineThoughts

Thursday 3 September 2020

numb to pain

It’s so easy now for someone to look at you and like you. It’s so easy for someone to fall for you. You can read through my feed and draw conclusions of how easy I might come off. Goodness it took the very best to get me ready for now. God has worked wonders on me.

There were times I never looked at myself coz all I saw was failure and the insecurities rubbed in like a motherfucker. My playlist was full of sad songs. Understand this, when someone hurts you and betrays your trust you can’t brush it off. That pain stays with you for a while. 

That’s why am over protective of myself. I had to relearn myself. What my strengths are. What my weaknesses are. I wasn’t in a dark place. Baibèé I took that darkness everywhere I went. I embraced the darkness and became it. I was dead on the inside. Numb to pain.

I was done with God. Life. Yet for some reason I wasn’t ready to pack and accept the job in hell. Silencing the voices in my head was hard. Year after year after year. I didn’t find God. God found me. He didn’t give me much to work with but He made sure I felt his presence.

I never forgot and I never want to as that’s what keeps me from ever going back. It motivates me to achieve the impossible.

Am not the way I am because someone disappointed me on the contrary am tough because it took God a long time to perfect this masterpiece you see here today. It took alot of work and the right people to be this amazing. I can’t afford to let them down.

I will never settle for anyone less than what God has envisioned for me. As a matter of fact, God take your time to perfect him to my specifications. We need to fit each other perfectly. Don’t ever rush God or life will knock you down. Take your time baibèé .......

To my Soulmate, as long as God grants me life, where do you think your fine ass is heading without me? The old me was too messy and it would have been unfair to place that much burden on someone’s son. You deserve the now me. Crazy af but still under construction. Let’s be honest, would the younger immature you have noticed me or you were busy chasing skirts left, right and center? I ain’t mad. Am not even jealous. I just hope that experience won’t go to waste when it’s out time if you know what I mean *wink*. God is still working on me darling *laughing sheepishly*

It’s so easy to fall for something finished. Somedays I will come off broken but I won’t stay that way. I will never take it out on you. I promise to share #MyMagazineThoughts throughout. Sometimes I will be more loyal to others but never question my unwavering loyalty and love

Tuesday 1 September 2020


There are two types of people. Those who wake up motivated and those who take their time to get motivated. Then ofcourse there is Njeri. Listen if I don’t live motivated ama lose my damn mind. I almost lost my mind remember. Awww you are NEW here. Welcome to #MyMagazineThoughts

 I don’t know what September has instored for me but I am sure there is something or someone NEW for me. That’s one way to look at it. Whatever bullshit this month has, fuck it am down!!! That’s another way. Neither is better than the other. That’s all on you to decide. The way you view and value yourself this month doesn’t depend on anyone other than yourself. Guess who is to blame if nothing works out? YOU!!! If you are waiting for someone, anyone, anybody to come show you how to live your life, kindly slap yourself on my behalf. WAKE UP!!!

Wake the fuck up sweetheart. From your dirty pity party and get into the shower. You don’t own a shower? No problem. Get a friend who owns one coz basin water won’t work. You need to scrub that lazy mentality of waiting for a hero to come in and save the day to depart your life. 

Guess who your NEW hero is? YOU!!! Who is to say life won’t bring you what and who you want? On a scale of life and death, how willing are you to ensure whatever you desire is accomplished? Get back in the game. Play it like you never stopped. No more room for giving up.

Forget everyone else and what they are or have achieved. Focus on yourself. Your strengths. It might not be much but no one else can do it the way you can so use that & bank on it because that’s what makes you a masterpiece. There can only be one you so be freaking amazing at it.

What about your flaws? What about them? They make you human. That’s what. Listen, let your flaws be your motivation of never allowing anyone or anything get you back to the comfort of sitting out life when you should be exploring it. Enjoy September reading #MyMagazineThoughts