Tuesday 1 September 2020


There are two types of people. Those who wake up motivated and those who take their time to get motivated. Then ofcourse there is Njeri. Listen if I don’t live motivated ama lose my damn mind. I almost lost my mind remember. Awww you are NEW here. Welcome to #MyMagazineThoughts

 I don’t know what September has instored for me but I am sure there is something or someone NEW for me. That’s one way to look at it. Whatever bullshit this month has, fuck it am down!!! That’s another way. Neither is better than the other. That’s all on you to decide. The way you view and value yourself this month doesn’t depend on anyone other than yourself. Guess who is to blame if nothing works out? YOU!!! If you are waiting for someone, anyone, anybody to come show you how to live your life, kindly slap yourself on my behalf. WAKE UP!!!

Wake the fuck up sweetheart. From your dirty pity party and get into the shower. You don’t own a shower? No problem. Get a friend who owns one coz basin water won’t work. You need to scrub that lazy mentality of waiting for a hero to come in and save the day to depart your life. 

Guess who your NEW hero is? YOU!!! Who is to say life won’t bring you what and who you want? On a scale of life and death, how willing are you to ensure whatever you desire is accomplished? Get back in the game. Play it like you never stopped. No more room for giving up.

Forget everyone else and what they are or have achieved. Focus on yourself. Your strengths. It might not be much but no one else can do it the way you can so use that & bank on it because that’s what makes you a masterpiece. There can only be one you so be freaking amazing at it.

What about your flaws? What about them? They make you human. That’s what. Listen, let your flaws be your motivation of never allowing anyone or anything get you back to the comfort of sitting out life when you should be exploring it. Enjoy September reading #MyMagazineThoughts

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