Friday 4 September 2020

please don't fall for me

I always trust my gut feeling. If I don’t like you, nothing you ever do or accomplish will ever change my mind. Earning my respect is more valuable than acquiring any material possessions. Am built differently ask anyone who knows me. Impressing me is a job. Many have failed at.

How do you impress me? It’s so easy. Be yourself. If you are bad, come fucked up. I have a soft spot for people who are messed up coz secretly I think am the same in some ways. If you are nice stay true to yourself. Two faced people annoy me. They lack consistency.

I don’t know how to be cute. I wouldn’t know where to start. Am naturally sexy and in charge. It’s in my DNA. My mum is tough while my dad is charismatic. Life is full of choices. I know when to use either, neither and both. Then ofcourse I have my own God given gifts as well.

If I come off difficult, Njeri is not for you. If I come off too easy, again, am not for you. I always speak my mind which has landed me in trouble seeing as I only have one true friend. I embrace the truth. I don’t know how to lie. That sounds like a job on its own.

Pretentious people in my humble opinion are worse than murders. I used to be in girl groups before and was tiring. The lies, unnecessary drama. I have witnessed the shallow shows, make believe. You hear of what ladies do from men and my mind is blown. Sometimes I feel like a man.

What makes me beautiful is my story. What will make you stand out to me is your story. This is real life and not social media where I will offer you free emojis. I don’t offer such services here. When you are wrong, I will not agree with you to stroke your ego, I will be honest.

If I like you, I genuinely will show you and if I don’t, we all can’t be popular now can we? Fuck am not. Welcome to my life. In the words of Kendrick Sit down! Be humble. Such is life sweetheart. Familiarize yourself with the system. Know your place.

Am rare baibèé. You will never find another Njeri like me out there. God took His time with me. Not to brag but am special. Even the compliments I get are different. You’re a bitch, you’re not okay in the head. See, SPECIAL. That’s from people who don’t know me. Thank you all

At first when you meet in person you will be shocked. The magic is in my mouth *stops and stares at the imaginary perverts reading this* BEHAVE YOURSELVES. The first time I speak you will be shocked. I speak my mind with no filter. The second time, you will be torn. You will slowly start to expect the same reaction. Oh I never disappoint. The second remark is always worse than the first. The third one will get you smiling. Am my father’s daughter remember. I am very charismatic. You will start liking me. You will be sold on my bullshit. I am my mother’s daughter. I come off tough and uninterested until you get used to me and finally realize am actually charming. PLEASE DONT FALL FOR ME. Don’t be greedy either. You can’t have me all to yourself. Don’t get attached. That’s where most men have gone wrong.

Every man has something to offer each lady. I have so much to offer so I always walk away if you have less to match what am already offering. What am I supposed to do if you can’t even turn me on? Am yet to meet a man who meets my needs. You are not the problem, I am. I want MORE.....

My purpose in life is not to change anyone. If you are not happy with yourself no one can make you happy. I am honest with myself to stay and be alone until I meet the man / my soulmate who makes me as happy as I make myself #MyMagazineThoughts

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