Saturday 12 September 2020

How to handle it all

I feel a #SundaySermon storming up inside me. That’s how God does it. One day in advance. When God is done with me, the things that used to upset me sending me to a corner to cry are the very same things that will bring out the David in me. Am making my way towards a but this time am not going to cry, am going to talk to God. I need to know He is with me. I need to be sure He is the one speaking and not fear. I need him to go before me. I am on my knees as a sign of humility because they who kneel before God can stand before anyone. And as soon as I say Amen and open my eyes, it will have happened all too fast I have to slow it down for you to understand. I have been in corners for so long, I know where the stones are even with my eyes shut.

In humbling myself, God will hasten my legs and by the time I am on my feet, am already in a battle zone. Well equipped. Let’s go back to David. The best of the best and am not referring to the action movie here, came to fight Goliath.

When they were done going through all the available options, here comes David. He was a shepherd. That’s all they saw. I recognize David as a trained soldier. You just don’t wake up as King, you are trained and prepared to be one. If you can be entrusted with little, you can be entrusted with much. From herding sheep to later ruling the people. Greatness comes with work. It doesn’t start at the top, it starts from the bottom. Read the Bible and see how God used to do it. How He still does it.

Some of you are in training what looks like of all the blessings God has in heaven, He gave you “the worst job ever”. If Jesus the son of God spoke in parables what of God? He is a master of plot twists in my humble opinion.

When it’s you time, that training has not been in vain. We don’t serve a God who tease, He delivers. The way you look has nothing to do with where you are headed next. It’s what’s in you that is required and will qualify you to being set apart. No one can ape your capabilities 🔥

They may look a certain way. Good for them.They know people on the inside. Wonderful. They have been there for years. Beautiful. Can we now get to the plot twist. The highlight of it all. They are not the people for the job. Njeri, Me? Yes you. There is no BUT here. You are what they have been waiting on and they didn’t know it until Goliath showed up. God will not reveal you until what He has prepared you for is ready. You will not be humiliated or have to wait because God will keep you busy in the training stage. How to handle it all.

Why are you angry when you should be giving thanks. It’s not in your place to tell God when you are ready, for He already knows. If it’s taking way too long it means Goliath is bigger but the leadership or reward is the biggest out of all this mysterious puzzle.

Rejoice and again I say REJOICE 🔥🔥🔥. This will mark the rest of your life. You are not forgotten, you are the element of surprise. You are that special. He can’t go flashing you out just anywhere. You are the man/ lady for the job. You are David #SundaySermon

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