Friday 4 September 2020

dont set yourself up for failure

#Freeday I wish people knew this. Don’t ever play games with people who have been hurt because it makes it so much easier for them to walk away. It brings back a familiar disappointment. Sometimes, the wrong action can lead to the wrong reaction. Don’t set yourself up for failure.

You still wonder why people are always leaving. No one wants to be put on the spot. Everyone is too afraid of you to even bring it up. They become scared of you. Not me though. Am brave enough to tell you the truth then distance myself from a meaningless investment. You walk around broken and way guarded as if someone wants something from you. Such people amaze me. Am a giver not a taker. Sometimes life knocks you out so many times you assume everyone is out to get you. Get what exactly? Learn to relax. Calm down.

I prayed and still pray for God to open my eyes. I want to see and not overlook my blessings because sometimes they are disguised as something completely different. Stay open minded. Accept what is for me and walk away from what isn’t. But not dwell. No sir, life has to go on. My bestfriend thinks mind games are hot. I think mind games are childish. A complete waste of time. Go work on yourself but don’t be selfish enough to assume I will put my life on hold to wait. If am ready, my soulmate is equally ready.

In playing mind games aren’t you pushing someone away? Aren’t you giving them reasons to replace or notice someone else who is actually forthcoming with them? Why are we mad when we get what we want? Don’t gamble with peoples emotions.

What if one day your child will come home crying. Before consoling them, am sure you would think of ways to get even with the culprit behind it. Only for them to tell you someone is misleading them. Wouldn’t that break your heart? You are someone’s child. Life has already tested you enough times. This Godly gift that is free comes with its ups and downs. I want to play mind games with you first then hopefully if am convinced that I like what I see, I might think of pursuing you. MAYBE!!! No promises. Isn’t that utter rubbish? That’s the way I see it. You want to juggle as you keep other options open and entertaining. That’s immaturity. Such people have no place in my life. I value God, honesty and loyalty in that order. No one should ever tolerate such antics.

There is something someone told me today. You are bold. I happily agreed with a smile on my face. I will tell you what I told him. I am bold because I have no room for fear in my life. I know whose I am. I only fear God. That’s where I draw my strength to #MyMagazineThoughts

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