Sunday 13 September 2020

Who is this man?

 I view the world differently. I like surrounding myself with things not people things that look impossible to achieve especially considering everything I have gone through. Realistically speaking I can’t afford that right now and even if I could mysteriously it wouldn’t make me happy. I love luxury cars. Growing up with my brothers I didn’t play with dolls we built cars. If we did that with just cartons and bottle tops what if I worked hard and God decided to multiple my blessings and I could design a real car. That would be epic. That’s the ambitious side of me. 

Then there is the hopeful side. Cars are a brilliant idea but knowing myself that would be too easy as it’s not what my heart truly desires. I want something specially designed in Heaven. Not something but someone. I seek true love.

 I love myself enough to spend the rest of my life alone but the fact that I know my soulmate is out there wont let me settle in peace. The fact that he exists bothers me. I want God to take me on a personal journey and for both us to observe you from afar. The one thing I miss the most about him is his face. How does he look like? I want to be there and for him to not recognize me. I don’t even want a relationship yet, just to see who God has a mind when He formed me in my mother’s womb. 

Who is this man?

Even if you drove past me in my now to own car, I wouldn’t notice leave alone be bothered. Am about things that are not tangible. When it comes to trends am out. Am like an old fashioned man whose only concern is his land and his family. Do what makes you happy.

That’s why it’s so easy for me to walk away from things and people who no longer have that fight in them anymore. Comfortable people concern me so much so I never want to be around them. Am constantly dreaming thus always changing.

I have never been attracted to anyone based on their success and achievements. It’s your story which got my attention. Am into faces. I wouldn’t know if you were dressed or not. Your eyes are the windows to your soul. It’s what I will pick up when I draw my attention to them that will determine if I will stay or walk away. If I can’t offer my help or support I will respectfully leave. If there is something to offer, I will stay for a while then leave. Forgive me if I don’t come off as aggressively ambitious as everyone else. I am sorry for that.

I am not sorry however that whatever I have to offer is priceless. Love conquers all. Love wins. It’s not much to most but to me, it’s EVERYTHING. The kind of love I have to offer is different. It will break everything in you yet uncover something in you. It will be uncomfortable.

I am sure you have loved and lost and loved some more to a point right now you are just winging it. In loving you, I will teach you how to love yourself but most importantly how to love God more by putting him first in your life. That way even with me gone, you will always win. Those are my #MyMagazineThoughts 

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