Saturday 19 September 2020

More baggages

You can’t fake fate. I believe fate is God given. How do you fake something that can only be offered by God. Where would you even begin with all due respect? I believe in living in my truth. Especially if it’s something am passionate about, I will catch you in your lies.

When you fake interest that’s where I draw the line. Are you that uninteresting that you have to pretend to be someone you are not? So when are you planning to ever be yourself? The lack of consistency in the pretense throws me off. Where is the juice? That’s it?

Some people had mental and psychological issues way before the pandemic and as a result with everything else going on in the world and their world it has gotten worse. It’s so much deeper and bigger than what meets the eyes. It’s a serious issue that needs to be tackled gently. We all look well put together from the outside yet most are empty. Two broken people can’t fix each other. Listen, you are both expecting each other to heal because you have “something in common” which in this case is being hurt. Until history repeats itself. More baggages.

When was the last time you were honest with even if not someone else, yourself? When was the last time you genuinely enjoyed your own company. What do you like about yourself something no one you have ever slept with has ever said? What do your friends like about you? What do people say they like about you? Is it in line with what you tell yourself? Do you even like yourself? Why do you always do that to yourself? Why do you even allow that whatever that is? If you woke up as a random citizen, would their opinion of you change? Do you even like the people in your life to begin with? What do you like about them? If they stopped being themselves would you still stick around? If you took the time to understand who you truly are on your own, as slow as life seems, things would align themselves somehow.

I have come to realize this, people don’t want somehow, they want to belong if not somewhere or anywhere, everywhere will do. You can’t be everywhere with everyone. That’s why you are getting shallow to baseless answers.

 Me: What do you like about me? 
Him: Everything 
Me: What do you mean? 
Him: I can be anything you want me to be.... I like you, I really like you. 
Me: What do you like about me? 
Him: Wow, everything.

That’s a pretentious person right there. That’s a toxic conversation. People would rather hide their pain than be honest. The few who have mastered reverse psychology use their pain to bait unknowing victims.

No one is perfect but I admire people who have accepted their past. People who don’t allow the pain and hurt hinder them from moving on. With that comes communication. I thought technology was supposed to improve communication but it’s not. People are using it to escape reality.

And so when you meet me, the first question I will ask is this,”Who hurt you. What’s your story?” Anyone can handle your good side. I want the side that you think doesn’t deserve an audience. Understand that your “hurt”  is your biggest strength in disguise #MyMagazineThoughts

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