Tuesday 8 September 2015

Fear part II

Redefining yourself after life is done with you. When life knocks you down and all of a sudden the familiar brings uncertainty and you feel so lost what do you do? You run away in the hope of saving what is left if there is anything left. 

The most amazing thing is no matter how  far you run or long you hide, you will end up having to face the very same thing you were runnin away from. You changed your dreams of wanting the good life to settling for whomever is willing to have you and not necessarily accept you. 

You change your goals from being this passionate go getter to ms/mr let's just work with the majority. After all numbers never lie. How do you even handle such a lifeless human being? How do you bring them back to life after they have given up on themselves? 

You let them be. The worst mistake you can ever do is try and bring in the word of God. Like where was God when I lost it all? Did he not have the same plans you claim he has for me back then? Isn't this all part of his great plan? That only shifts the anger to hatred. But by showing up and assuring them that you are there with them along the way makes it less painful and easier. Not by holding their hand but by just being there and allowing them get over that painful low phase creates room for communication. 

And that is my #RealityCheck

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