Thursday 3 September 2015


My unpredictable month. I have tried researching what usually happens during this time of the month with no success. I seem to be suffering from selected amnesia. 

I have a million and one things on my agenda or so it feels like it and I feel as though I might be short changed this month. I am not going to talk myself out of good things just because I feel as though wait a minute... Let me work on what I know about this month so far. 

I have a to do list. These bills will not pay themselves *laughs* and am not the kind to ask for an extra hand although right about now a sponsor is not a bad idea. Hey am blaming I on the uncertainty. This month is full of tests and treats and the worst part is both of them appear to be the same. 

To those of you who start a new year this month, happy birthday darlings and may your joy spread through this dark tunnel . Men I hate surprises 

And that is my new month #RealityCheck 

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