Friday 4 September 2015

Late Evening but it's never too late

It never what is seems happens to be my theme this year or rather what am being taught this year. Ladies I rather not call them women because some if not most rushed. They either settled to soon with the wrong man or thought that whatever they were going through could be fixed with the picture of a new man in their lives. 

And it did. It made sense. The rest of us at some point secretly accepted and joined the rest of the world to celebrate this match made couple. I learn a lot from my best friend and the one thing she keeps reminding rather asking me whenever we hear of a friends relationship sinking down the drain and them trying to prove to the rest of the world that they are "Just Fine" is ," Young girl don't you love yourself?" " Why are you denying yourself the chance to be happy?" And I always tell her , " girl such ladies would rather die than leave that man" 

When did this "Mine" mentality take over. Damn like I just had a revelation. Be like Ruth in the bible. She clung to Naomi. But now comes my favorite part," who or rather what is this that you are clinging on?" The love that Ruth had for her mother in law was unheard off. I wonder how many married women would cling to their mothers in law in this day and age. That is a topic for when I cross that bridge . Soon. 

We females always know and anyone who says that they never saw it coming is drunk on the illusion that they are still the ideal woman. The one that never gets dumped but rather does the dumping. The one who believes that any man would be lucky to have her because she thinks she is the centre of his universe. Have I got home yet? Good. Get off your high horse girlfriend and let's talk. 

No man should ever lay his hands on any woman. Your hands were made to comfort , caress  and cater to her needs as her significant other. Gone are the days working women use their children as bait to stay. It's not to late for your son to grow up respecting women without having a father figure rather than watching his own flesh and blood slowly kill his mother. 

The only thing holding you back is fear.  You are afraid no single man would marry leave alone date a " used woman" as society puts it. Gentlemen you are also afraid that either the next one could be a golddigger or the step mother from hell so you stick to the familiar and opt to cheat. Life is less complicated that way. 

Watching these young ladies being frustrated in their early twenties after the " self made dating dream" fails ( you meet a man and before you know it, you have moved in and months later you are knocked up so you can't leave) got me writing this. If there is anyone out there who can read this and somehow benefit and understand that you only stop trying to have a new beginning when you die then anything is possible. 

Don't condemn yourself anymore. Society has done an amazing job on you so now what? You followed your heart but ignored your head. Whatever reason as to why you did what you did, you don't owe anyone an explanation. Shit happens so why are still in and with that "shit?" What lesson are you trying to teach this uncaring world that you that died a hero? The only people who will suffer are your children and family and even six feet under will blame you for their short comings. So you see even then you won't rest in peace. 

I wish the same energy you consume crying and complaining is the very same one you use to be happy. Life is not a rehasal and even though vows are not meant to be broken if your wounds are more than your will to live then leave. Like I said you owe absolutely no one any explanation. 

Love is a sarcrifice but it's not meant to burn nor leave scars. If it does then your heart is not in the right place and you need to switch and find your missing rib. 

And that is my late evening #RealityCheck. 

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