Tuesday 22 September 2015

Good vs bad

I have borrowed the idea of matching up the good against the bad from why did I get married.

It turns out that there is more to who this man is in my life over what I want to feed my mind. Good things about him in less than thirty minutes four pages against two pages of what I don't like about him. 

I don't quite remember what she said about if the good out weighs the bad all I recall is her saying if it's bad then to hell with it. I will have to rewatch to see what am supposed to do with this good result. 

The reason why I decided to share this not my results but this experience is because it's therapeutic. You don't have to keep feeling like you are weighing everyone around you down with the same old ," I care but I don't want to act on it". Heaven knows am tired of always having to ask, so what do you think? No allow me to figure it out on my own. I know you have a lot going on with you so I got myself in this mess/love so I will be the one to save myself. 

Friends are priceless but when you learn to handle things on your own not perfectly but when you sit down and be brutally honest alone and realize you had the answers all along life gets easier. 

And that is my #RealityCheck 

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